[原]Unity3d中奇怪的编译错误 整理项目,重新build时出现一些问题,这些代码在原项目中都是可以运行的。 错误信息如下: Assets/XXXXX.cs(79,35): error CS0103: The name `NNNNNN' does not exist in the current context 或: Assets/XXXXX.cs(82,38): error CS1061: Type `NNNNNN(某变量名)' does not ...
今天在编写一个通用模块的时候,遇到一个奇怪的问题,vs编译时没有任何问题,但是轮到unity编译时,却报错: error CS0103: The name `PrintInt' does not exist in the current context 出问题的代码片段如下: 1publicvoidMovePoker(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos,floatmoveTime, Ease ease =Ease.Flash)2{3view...
/<ProjectPath>/<CSharpFile>.cs: error CS0103: The name '<MissingApiName>' does not exist in the current context. The following code sample is an example of preprocessor directives for Unity Editor scripts : #ifUNITY_EDITORpublicstaticList<Type>GetAllVolumeComponents(){// TypeCache is only...
[我遇到 “error CS0103: The name ‘xxxx’ does not exist in the current context”]其中的 ‘xxxx’ 可能是 File, FileStream, HashTable, Dictionary 等等。解法及原因說明請參考 [Unity Game to Windows Store] Compile error- missing namespaces/classes (中文)...
然而,我在Unity中构建项目时遇到了一个问题,因为我得到了一个构建错误:"Assets\Placeholder.cs(20,9): error CS0103: The name 'MediaFrameQrProcessing我正在运行Unity 2018.4.1和Visual Studio 2019。我是在他的GitHub存储库()上构建的。 Med 浏览24提问于2019-08-21得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...
目录导出游戏时需要选择空的文件夹CS0103错误:使用的变量名或者方法名并不存在于当前上下文中CS1061错误: 尝试调用方法或访问不存在的类成员Unity怎么点都没反应:可能是进入了死循环CS0428错误: 类型转换错误CS1656错误: 无效赋值错误NullReferenceException:空指针错误,Object并没有作为一个对象的实例UnassignedReferenceExc...
Assets/LightmappingTools/Editor/LightmappingTool.cs(918,25): error CS0103: The name `AssetUtility’ does not exist in the current context Assets/LightmappingTools/Editor/LightmappingTool.cs(864,37): error CS0103: The name `AssetUtility’ does not exist in the current context Shader warning...
Library/PackageCache/com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.1/Scripts/Editor/TMP_PackageUtilities.cs(453,84): error CS0103: The name 'VersionControlSettings' does not exist in the current context 打开源码,把|| VersionControlSettings.mode != "Visible Meta Files"这部分代码删除即可。
Assets/EditorVR/Scripts/Input/ViveInputToEvents.cs(63,40): error CS0103: The name `SteamVR_Controller' does not exist in the current context The error pops up for every mention of that variable. And this error once in the same file: Assets/EditorVR/Scripts/Input/ViveInputToEvents.cs(84...
How to Solve {StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: 'Internal Server Error', Version: 1.1, Content: System. How to solve *Type not found* exception in XAML? How to Solve error CS0103: The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context ? how to solve getting null value in Lis...