Assets\WorldLocking.Engine\Plugin.cs(10,37): 錯誤 CS0234:命名空間 'FrozenWorld' 中不存在類型或命名空間名稱 'FrozenWorld' (您是否遺漏元件參考?) 它遺失 FrozenWorld.Engine DLL。 請參閱NuGet 設定。 或者,使用 MR 功能工具進行安裝,併為您處理相依性安裝。 它無法運作 檢查Unity 記錄中是否有錯誤和例外...
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'XamlFilePathAttributeAttribute' does not exist in the namespace 'Xamarin.Forms.Xaml' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Popups c:\users\mic24user\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\Pop...
Error CS0234 - The type or namespace name 'AspNet' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference? error CS1061 C# '' does not contain a definition for '' and no extension method '' accepting a first argument of type '' could be found error CS7069...
I have added a class in ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) as services.AddInstance<IConfiguration>(Configuration);I want to get the instance in my HostConfiguration.cs class, I can get it in controller, problem is how can i get it in any other class? In unity we can use Service...