而Prefab里的每个GameObject挂载的Component也被算进Asset中,这是这里我们还没有对他们进行实例化放到场景中。所以GameObject的数量是没有变的,而Component正如我们在项目中创建C#的Compontent一样,也是一个Asset。 顺便,这里可以看一个简单的继承图 继承图 其中: Object:Base class for all objects Unity can reference...
A [Provider Toggles] Enable and disable providers. When you disable a provider, Search ignores it when executing searches. B [Provider Order] Use these settings to modify the order in which search items are shown on the screen. All items of a given provider priority appear before any lower ...
在运行时调用AddComponent函数时会带来不小的消耗。因为不管在什么时候,当你在运行时去调用这个方法,Unity都会去检查当前Object上面是否有重复的component或其他必须的(required)component。 通常情况下,直接去实例化一个已经绑定好我们所需要的component的预制体,这样可以节省更多性能方面的开销。 对游戏物体...
1. Do Not Disable [不做处理] 2. Disable After Forward [正向播放完毕后禁用] 3. Disable After Reverse [反向播放完毕后禁用] On Finished [触发事件] 3.7 动画控制组件 (UIPlayAnimation) 1)创建UIPlayAnimation: 1.1 为目标物体添加Animation组件: AddComponent -> Animation 脚本 (注意:这里的Animation并不...
在层级视图中选中『_GM』然后在检视视图中选择『Add Component』 向下滚动并且选择『New Script』。命名脚本为『Manager』 并且确保它是 C# 脚本 打开脚本 拷贝和粘贴下面的代码到你的脚本中 ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...
Rigidbodies enable your GameObjects to act under the control of physics. The Rigidbody can receive forces and torque to make yo... Rigidbody overview A Rigidbody is the main component that enables physical behaviour for a GameObject. With a Rigidbody attached, the object will ... Scene view...
Before disabling, the return of GetTestValue is 0. Once I re-enable the object, the return is 5. The Unity docs say: Making a GameObject inactive will disable every component ... Any scripts that you have attached to the GameObject will no longer have Update() called ... ...
(); return targets; } #endregion private void OnEnable() { useSerializeMode = EditorPrefs.GetBool("SerializeMode", true); varPrefixIndex = 0; mShowSelectTypeMenu = false; uiForm = (target as UIFormBase); if (uiForm.GetFieldsProperties() == null) { uiForm.ModifyFieldsProperties(new ...
注意:协程 在执行或执行自 我迭代的过程中,其挂载的 GameObject 对象必须保持 Active 状态)。在 Unity 生命周期中, 初始化阶段为 Awake 、 OnEnable 、Start 三个周期阶段。大致如下: Awake 阶段用于捕获脚本挂载对象上的 Component 信息。 OnEnable 阶段用于事件监听注册行为。 Star...
SetEnabledWhileActive(false);//Disable other UI elementsif(selectOnOpenDialog !=null) selectOnOpenDialog.Select(); }; window.OnHide+= () =>{ SetEnabledWhileActive(true);//Enable other UI elements}; }publicvoidToggle() { window.Toggle();if(window.isVisible) ...