string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load png Textures of Directory", "", ""); WWW ww=new WWW("file:///"+path); print(ww.url); yield return ww; gui.texture=ww.texture; 2.非编辑模式: OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); //new一个方法 ofd.InitialDirectory = Environment....
string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load png Textures of Directory", "", ""); WWW ww=new WWW("file:///"+path); print(ww.url); yield return ww; gui.texture=ww.texture; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.非编辑模式: OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); //new一个方法 ofd.Initia...
stringpath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load png Textures of Directory","",""); WWW ww=newWWW("file:///"+path); print(ww.url);yieldreturnww; gui.texture=ww.texture; 2.非编辑模式: OpenFileDialog ofd =newOpenFileDialog();//new一个方法ofd.InitialDirectory ="file://"+UnityEngine.Appli...
Unity 打开文件对话框的接口,如EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel和EditorUtility.OpenFilePanelWithFilters,它们都有一个缺点,就是不支持多选文件。但是实际开发中会遇到需要多选文件的需求,这时候就得自行开发接口了。这时候就有同学要问了:你选择一个文件夹不就可以了吗?试想,若一个文件夹下有 100 个文件,我只想一次...
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UI; public class OpenFilePanel : MonoBehaviour { //用来展示选择的图片 public RawImage showImg; //新建一个按钮来执行这个函数 public void OpenWindow() { string path = ""; path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("选择一个图片","","png"); ...
unity openFilename unity openfilename 多选 unity openFilenamepythonwindowsjavalinux文章分类游戏开发 最近在做图片/PDF文件转文字的一个工具,需要实现批量导入外部文件功能,总结一下相关方法。 方法一:使用windows窗体函数 1. 获取System.Windows.Forms.dll文件:到Unity安装路径( Editor\Data\Mono\lib\mono\2.0)...
EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel public static string OpenFilePanel (string title, string directory, string extension); 描述 显示“打开文件”对话框并返回所选的路径名称。 另请参阅:SaveFilePanel 函数。 打开文件面板。 using System.IO; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;public class OpenFilePanelExample...
//string name = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID).name; // Debug.Log("Open Asset step: 1 (" + name + ")"); returnfalse;// we did not handle the open } // step2 has an attribute with index 2, so will be called after step1 ...
● 当单击General(综合设置)选项,会进入综合设置界面,如图2-33所示,里面是在整体上对Unity集成开发环境进行一些相关的设置,分别是Auto Refresh(自动更新)、Always Show Project Wizard(总是显示项目向导)、Compress Assets On Import(压缩资源导入)、Editor Analytics (编辑器分析)、Verify Saving Assets(保存验证资源)...
path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("选取资源", "", "*"); } if (path != "" && path != null) { int index = path.LastIndexOf(root); path = path.Substring(index); } return path; } public void DestoryButton() { if (GUILayout.Button("删除", GUILayout.Width(65))) ...