没有足够的空间用于下载和安装所选项目 There is not enough space to download and install the selected item 尝试关掉防火墙与杀毒软件,用管理员模式打开unity hub。 即便unity软件安装在其他盘,unity的一些组件(比如vs)还有一些临时文件依然是放在C盘的,所以还是要在C盘清空一些位置。 先安装editor,安装成功后再添...
There is not enough space to download and install the selected item 尝试关掉防火墙与杀毒软件,用管理员模式打开unity hub。 即便unity软件安装在其他盘,unity的一些组件(比如vs)还有一些临时文件依然是放在C盘的,所以还是要在C盘清空一些位置。 先安装editor,安装成功后再添加相应组件。 如果还有其他解决办法,请在...
A known Unity bug can cause the Editor to crash.Your setup is now complete. The following sections will guide you through getting your mod.io integration up and running quickly.If you have any questions or need some help join our Discord server....
Nominal Gift Card: This reviewer was invited by us to submit an honest review and was offered a nominal incentive as a thank you. By Amanda E.•April 21, 2023 By Josh C.•December 1, 2022 By Bobby M.•August 19, 2021 By Leighton F.•July 16, 2021...
using UnityEditor; public class SolutionPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor { // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/gamedev/unity/extensibility/customize-project-files-created-by-vstu // https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/visualstudio-docs/blob/main/gamedev/unity/extensibility/customize-pr...
There are several reasons why theOpen in Unitybutton does not immediately trigger your asset download. The recommended solutions are outlined in the article 'Open in Unity button does not work'. Error refreshing packages This error happens when the Unity Editor can't connect to the Package Manage...
Firestore: Fixed crashes in Unity Editor on Linux caused by C++ exceptions failing to be converted to C# exceptions. Firestore: Fixed intermittent hangs on Android when exceptions are thrown by callbacks. Firestore: Fixed a crash on Android when DocumentReference.Set() was invoked with an invalid...
classes.jar所在位置: Unity安装目录\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Variations\mono\Development\Classes\classes.jar 2-1 4.把HMSAgent_2.6.3.301/hmsagents/src/main/java/com目录拷贝到我们的Android工程的src中 2-2 5.在工程中新建一个UnityFuncId.java //替换成自己的包名 package com.tes...
WWW downloads are working fine in Unity Editor and on Android, but not on iOSMost common mistake is to assume that WWW downloads are always happening on separate thread. On some platforms this might be true, but you should not take it for granted. Best way to track WWW status is ...
Space(); Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +117,7 @@ public override void OnInspectorGUI() EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Insert URL for Test API")) if (GUILayout.Button("Insert URL for Staging API")) SetURLTest(); if (GUILayout.Button("Insert URL for ...