public static BulletScreenTextElement Create(BulletScreenDisplayer displayer, string textContent, bool showBox = false, ScrollDirection direction = ScrollDirection.RightToLeft) { BulletScreenTextElement instance = null; if (displayer == null) { Debug.Log("BulletScreenTextElement.Create(), displayer can ...
string[] displayOptions,GUIStyle style,GUILayoutOption[] paroptions) Popup(string label,int selectedIndex,string[] displayOptions,GUILayoutOption[] paroptions) Popup(GUIContent label,int selectedIndex,string[] displayOptions,GUILayoutOption[] paroptions)。。。 //...
2 function OnGUI () { //声明OnGUI方法3 GUI.Label (Rect (10, 10, 100, 20), "Hello World!"); //绘制一个文本标签4 //绘制一个纹理图片标签5 GUI.Label (Rect (10, 40, textureToDisplay.width, textureToDisplay.height),textureToDisplay);6 }将编写好的脚本挂载到摄像机上,单击 Unity 集成...
t remove it if you want to display a GUI Text. GUI Texts are positioned using only the X and Y axes. Rather than being positioned in World Coordinates, GUI Texts are positioned in Screen Coordinates, where (0,0) is the bottom-left and (1,1) is the top-right corner of the screen...
The Draw Mode used to display the Scene. 绘制模式用于显示场景 Shading mode 着色模式 (7) When toggled on, the Scene lighting is used. When toggled off, a light attached to the Scene view camera is used. 启用该选项后,将使用场景照明。禁用时,将使用附加到场景视图摄影机的灯光。
Label Make a text or texture label on screen. ModalWindow Show a Modal Window. PasswordField Make a text field where the user can enter a password. RepeatButton Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down. ScrollTo Scrolls all enclosing scrollviews so they try to make...
private void handleOnGlobalLayout() { Point screenSize = new Point(); activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getSize(screenSize); int[] hSize = new int[4]; GetDisplayMetricsAreaSize(activity,hSize); int fullScreenHeight = hSize[3]; Rect rect = new Rect(); popupView.getWindowVisible...
34. 创建一个定时器并在屏幕上显示(34. Create a timer and display it on screen) - 大小:22m 目录:5 - 构建UI和菜单 资源数量:39,Unity3D_Unity 2D,5 - 构建UI和菜单/33. 菜单设计基础,5 - 构建UI和菜单/34. 创建一个定时器并在屏幕上显示,5 - 构建UI和菜单/35. 创造力
TextType in anything you want (multiline text is OK).Font SizeThe font size used to display the text in all platforms. If 0, the system's default font size will be chosen during runtime.BoldCheck to use bold.Note 1: On iOS/MacOSX you can only use this if you leave the font name...
注:Screen.currentResolution.height 当前设备高,Screen.currentResolution.width 当前设备宽 保留任务栏最大化效果: <7>.获取当前窗口句柄的分辨率 导入user32.dll的相关方法: 1//获取窗口位置以及大小2[DllImport("user32.dll")]3[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]4publicstaticexternboolGetWindowRect(IntPtr ...