[?2]:原文:An “intermediate layer” is a graphical object with a different material, whose bounding box overlaps two otherwise-batchable objects and is placed in the hierarchy between the two batchable objects. 在Unity UI分析工具一节讨论过,UI Profiler和Frame Debugger能够检查UI中间层。可另行批处理...
一、知识要点 1 Rigidbody:Control of an object's position through physics simulation.Adding a Rigidbody component to an object will put its motion under the control of Unity's physics engine. Even without adding any code, a Rigidbody object will be pulled downward by gravity and w...
可以设置tween后disable掉target——用来切换菜单的时候很管用。 最后,如果想在tween结束的时候调用其他功能函数,拖拽一个game object到Notify属性里面,选择想要的函数。和所有的NGUI通知一样,函数需要声明为“public void FuncName (void)”类型。
enableable 组件不会导致structural change, 因此可以在job线程中enable和disable组件。但是在jobs写入enableable 组件时会导致主线路block直到job完成。 在EntityManager,ComponentLookup<T>,EntityCommandBuffer, andArchetypeChunk可以使用以下方法: IsComponentEnabled<T>(Entity e): e的T组件 enabled时返回true SetComponen...
I’ll show you an example using some Windows platform-specific code. If I want to access GeoLocation in the Windows Runtime, I can include this code directly in my MonoBehavior-derived class (as shown inFigure 4), which can be assigned to any GameObject. Because this code is compiled...
避免值类型变量和引用类型变量之间的传递。因为这个操作会产生一个临时的对象,带来潜在的垃圾。比如强制将值类型转换为对象类型(int i = 123;object o = i)。 协程(Coroutines): 尽管yield不会产生垃圾,但是创建一个新的WaitForSeconds对象时会产生垃圾。所以尽量缓存和重复使用WaitForSeconds对象,而不是在每次yield时...
reordering via drag handles to the left of element content. You can use [NonReorderable] attribute on a script array or list variable to disable this. When reordering is disabled, the Inspector shows arrays or lists with a simple UI control that has an array size followed by array elements....
public GameObject objectValue; [HideIf(nameof(objectValue), false)] public int var2; public KeyCode enumValue = KeyCode.A; [EnableIf(nameof(enumValue), KeyCode.A)] public int var1; [DisableIf(nameof(GetFloatValue), 2.0f, Comparison = UnityComparisonMethod.GreaterEqual)] public int var2; ...
Generate an asset preview thumbnail for found items Enable this setting to display thumbnails for items that are currently visible in the results pane of the Search window.When you disable this setting, Search displays a generic icon. This is useful in large Projects, where generating icons can ...
If it is displayed, then disable the dialog to hide it from view. If the dialog isn’t showing, then get the text object and set its value to the name and destination of the Travelers. When you originally created the traveler object, you used the traveler name as the name of...