Make your scripts look stunning in the Unity-Inspector withCUSTOM INSPECTOR! This is the standart asset EVERYONE needs in EVERY Project! --- Full Content List: Documentation: Introduction pdf (What is an Attribute and how to use it?) Documentation EditorWindow (Side by Side, ...
Unity中的Inspector面板可以显示的属性包括以下两类:(1)C#以及Unity提供的基础类型;(2)自定义类型,并使用[System.Serializable]关键字序列化,比如:[System.Serializable]public class TestClass{ public Vector3 vec =; public Color System 自定义 ide Unity PlayerSettings 自定义 unity自定义inspector...
三、Code 1usingUnityEngine;2usingSystem.Collections;3usingUnityEditor;45namespaceRunAndJump.LeveCreator6{7//[CanEditMultipleObjects]//希望多个挂在该类的对象可以在inspector面板选定多个一同修改的话8//需要将该标签添加上,由于level类一个场景下只有一个,所以无需添加该标记9[CustomEditor(typeof(Level))]10...
Header(string header)属性可以在Inspector中增加一个粗体的标题。 Space(float hight)属性可以在Inspector中增加一段间隔。 Tooltip(string tooltip)属性使你在Inspector面板中将鼠标浮动在属性上时显示一个文字提示。 Foldout(string foldout)属性可以在Inspector面板中渲染折叠栏,参数名称相同的属性放置在同一个折叠栏中。
Step 1 Inspector Overview When you choose any GameObject in the Hierarchy or Scene View, the Inspector will demonstrate the Properties of all the Components and Materials and then permits you to alter them. For a custom Script segment, general society variables of that script are likewise demonstr...
Staticcalls are entirely preconfigured at authoring time, with their target and parameter values defined in the Inspector window. When the callback is invoked, the target function is invoked with the parameter values defined in the Inspector. This is appropriate for values that won’t vary at run...
The inspector for all items in Unity is shown with a distinctive icon in the top left corner next to the name. For a GameObject or Prefab, a custom icon can be set to identify the object in the scene. If you click on the icon, a selection menu will appear:-...
默认绘制类中类对象的Inspector面板 我们可以通过绘制属性的方式直接绘制我们的变量,代码如下: EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UIAnimTransformInfo); 效果如下: 这个绘制是unity默认的绘制。 自定义绘制类中类对象的Inspector面板 如果我们类中的对象不想使用自定义的绘制,我们可以采用CustomPropertyDrawer这个属性标签来绑定...
字典作为最重要的数据结构之一,在Unity的inspector中竟然无法序列化显示。通过Google搜索,我找到了几种方法。 使用List模拟字典的键值对,在Awake或Start方法中将键值复制到字典中。原文链接: https://forum.un…
voidOnInspectorGUI(){if(customStyle==null){customStyle=newGUIStyle(;//customStyle.font = ; // 替换为您想要使用的字体名称customStyle.fontSize=13;customStyle.fontStyle=FontStyle.Bold;customStyle.normal.textColor=Color.white;customStyle.alignment=TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;customStyle.word...