Unity编辑器开发实战中如何创建自定义编辑器? 在Unity中为UI视图制作动画编辑器的步骤是什么? Unity Custom Editor的开发难点有哪些? 动画示例: 为了更方便地为UI视图添加动画,将动画的编辑功能封装在了UI View类中,可以通过编辑器快速的为视图编辑动画。动画分为两种类型,一种是Unity中的Animator动画,该类型直接通过...
usingSystem;usingUnityEngine;usingDG.Tweening;namespaceSK.Framework{/// /// UI缩放动画/// [Serializable]publicclassUIScaleAnimation{publicfloatduration=1f;publicfloatdelay;publicEaseease=Ease.Linear;publicVector3startValue=Vector3.zero;publicVector3endValue=Vector3.one;publicboolisCustom;publicTweenPlay(...
The above demonstrates how you can get simple scripts running during edit-time, however this alone does not allow you to create your own editor tools. The next step is to create a Custom Editor for script we just created.When you create a script in Unity, by default it inherits from ...
WWW downloads are working fine in Unity Editor and on Android, but not on iOS Most common mistake is to assume that WWW downloads are always happening on separate thread. On some platforms this might be true, but you should not take it for granted. Best way to track WWW status is eith...
Use the Editor settings (main menu: Edit > Project Settings, the select the Editor category) to apply global settings for working in Unity’s Editor.
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首先继承自Editor类,使用CustomEditorAttribute,并重写OnInspectorGUI方法以实现自定义编辑器。 音频库名称是一个string类型字段,因此使用EditorGUILayout中的TextField函数来添加一个文本编辑框: 代码语言:javascript 复制 using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; [CustomEditor(typeof(AudioDatabase))] public class AudioDat...
这是个简单的创建窗口的代码,首先通过EditorWindow.GetWindow来取得窗口实例,然后展现,我们来看看官方的API说明。 GetWindow是个静态方法,有三个参数: 第一个参数是窗口类型,注意是一定要继承自EditorWindow。 第二个参数是窗口是否浮动,如果是就不能内嵌到unity其他窗口中去,如果不是就能嵌入其他窗口。(可以省略,默认...
Unity Text is not working in CI Web GL output Everything works fine when I use the same build script but run it on my machine!!! WebGl without errors and i can see all texts! Point 1. and 2. must be related to each other. ...
// This is not an editor script. public class MyPlayer :MonoBehaviour{ public int armor = 75; public int damage = 25; publicGameObjectgun; voidUpdate() { //Updatelogic here... } } For example, use a custom editor to change the appearance of the script in the Inspector. ...