//This script creates a new menu and a new menu item in the Editor window // Use the new menu item to create a prefab at the given path. If a prefab already exists it asks if you want to replace it //Click on a GameObject in your Hierarchy, then go to Examples>Create Prefab to...
//This script creates a new menu and a new menu item in theEditorwindow // Use the new menu item to create a prefab at the given path. If a prefab already exists it asks if you want to replace it //Click on aGameObjectin yourHierarchy, then go toExamples>Create Prefabto see it ...
单击对话管理的Create按钮。 或选择Assets → Create → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Dialogue Database 对话数据库包含以下类别: 下面就详细的介绍每一个类别 ⑵对话编辑窗口 要打开对话编辑器,可以使用菜单项Tools → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Dialogue Editor 或者点击对话管理器的logo横幅,或...
for (int i = 0; i < _clipList.Count; i++) { _animation.AddClip(_clipList[i], _clipList[i].name); } GG.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; Object _prefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(ProjectDirectory.PrefabLocalPath_Creature + "/" + key + ".prefab"); PrefabUtility.Replace...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
Unity3D Editor模式下批量修改prefab 最经遇到一个需要批量修改已经做好的prefab的问题,查了一些资料最终实现了但是还是不够完美,通过学习也发现unity的编辑器功能还是非常强大的。废话不多说直接上代码: 1[ExecuteInEditMode]2[MenuItem("Tools/RecordPoint Add Flame")]3privatestaticvoidRecordPointAddFlame()4{5...
class in UnityEditor Description 可用于任何预制件相关操作的 Utility 类。 Static Variables prefabInstanceUpdated在场景中的预制件实例完成更新后调用。 Static Functions ConnectGameObjectToPrefab将源预制件连接到游戏对象。 CreateEmptyPrefab在给定路径创建一个空白预制件。
3. 保存Prefab,删除场景中的实例 publicboolSaveNewPrefab(GameObject prefabGameObj,stringsavePath,stringprefabName){if(prefabGameObj ==null)returnfalse;if(!Directory.Exists(savePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(savePath);stringfullPath =string.Format("{0}/{1}.prefab",savePath,prefabName);if(File.Exi...
In this lesson I’ll show how new menu items in the Unity editor are created and try to provide real-world example usages to every described topic. Adding Menu Items In order to add a new menu to the top-level toolbar, you should create an editor script (a script file that is ...
方法描述:父Prefab保存对子Prefab的引用,在编辑时获取信息并利用Editor API绘制子Prefab。在打包步骤时实例化子Prefab。适用场景:适用于特定或单一的情况。劣势:需要额外处理不同Prefab间的区别,且依赖于Editor API实现,可能增加开发复杂度。维护指向子Prefab内的引用:方法描述:通过封装public Ref的方法...