通过Assets / Create / C# Script向项目添加一个新的脚本资源,并将其命名为Clock。C#是用于Unity脚本的编程语言,发音为C-sharp。让我们也立即把它放在一个新的脚本文件夹中,以保持项目的整洁 Scripts folder with Clock script, one and two column layout. 当脚本被选中时,检查器将显示其内容。但是要编辑代码,...
Scripts allow you to customize and extend the capabilities of your applicaton with C# code. Withscriptsthat derive from Unity’s built-inMonoBehaviourclass you can create your own custom Components to control the behavior ofGameObjectsThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent charac...
在Unity3D中使用ScriptableObject脚本对象化进行序列化 ScriptableObject类型经常用于存储一些unity3d本身不可以打包的一些object,比如字符串,一些类对象等。用这个类型的 子类型,则可以用BuildPipeline打包成assetbundle包供后续使用,非常方便。这是除了PlayerPrefs和c# XML文件读取外,另外 的一种存取一些数据对象的方法 usingUnit...
var newListEntryLogic = new CharacterListEntryController(); // Assign the controller script to the visual element newListEntry.userData = newListEntryLogic; // Initialize the controller script newListEntryLogic.SetVisualElement(newListEntry); // Return the root of the instantiated visual tree retu...
Script language Select your preferred scripting language. All code snippets will be displayed in this language. History Namespace: UnityEngine / Inherits from:Object Description A class you can derive from if you want to create objects that don't need to be attached to game objects. ...
在窗口顶部菜单中依次点击GameObject → 3D Object → Plane。场景视图中央将出现一个平板状的游戏对象,同时层级视图中也增加了一项Plane,这就是本次游戏中被用作地面的游戏对象。Plane 一词在英语中表示“平面”的意思。 因摄像机所处位置的不同,读者看到的画面...
To create the cube primitive, follow these steps:In the Hierarchy window, right-click the PlayerContainer object and select 3D Object > Cube. Ensure that the cube is created as a child of the PlayerContainer object. Notice that the cube is only visible in the Scene window, not the Game ...
Editor scripts to create paths.MapToCurveincludes a tween to follow paths over a duration using a speed curve. 3D Layout Groups Basic object distribution scripts that run in edit mode, dynamically adapting to changes in the child hierarchy. Similar to UI Layout Groups, but for 3D transforms. ...
Unity3D脚本属性详解 Attribute是C#的功能,在Unity中可以使用Attribute来给变量和方法增加新的属性或者功能。 举两个例子,在变量上使用[SerializeFiled]属性,可以强制让变量进行序列化,可以在Unity的Editor上进行赋值。 在Class上使用[RequireComponent]属性,就会在Class的GameObject上自动追加所需的Component。