static void CreateAssetBundles () { string dir = "AssetBundles"; //如果路径不存在就创建 if (Directory.Exists (dir) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory (dir); /**用这个方法进行打包 第一个参数为打包到目标文件 第二个参数为打包选项 第三个参数为打包的目标平台 */ BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles...
public void CreateFile(string path,string name,string info) { //文件流信息 StreamWriter sw; FileInfo t = new FileInfo(path+name); if(!t.Exists) { //如果此文件不存在则创建 sw = t.CreateText(); } else { //如果此文件存在则打开 sw = t.AppendText(); } //以行的形式写入信息 sw.W...
Cannot perform upm operation: Unable to add package []: Error when executing git command. fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled [NotFound] UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Interna...
[MenuItem("Tools/打AB包")]publicstaticvoidBuildAB(){stringdir = Application.streamingAssetsPath;//定义AB包路径:工程目录下的StreamingAssetsif(Directory.Exists(dir) ==false)//如果不存在文件夹,那么新建一个{ Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(dir, BuildAssetBundleOptions.Ch...
staticvoidBuildAssetBundles() { stringdir ="AssetBundles"; if(!Directory.Exists(dir)) { //2.在工程根目录下创建dir目录 Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } //3.构建AssetBundle资源,AB资源包是一个压缩文件,可以把它看成是一个压缩的文件夹,里面 ...
For example, it could be a build number. Or you could translate a version number in “x.y” format to an integer by encoding the “x” and “y” separately in the lower and upper 16 bits. Or you could simply increase the number by one each time a new version is released. ...
您可以使用三層命名空間參考 Unity 目錄中的所有數據: catalog.schema.asset,其中 asset 可以是數據表、檢視、磁碟區或模型。中繼存放區中繼存放區是 Unity 目錄中物件的最上層容器。 它會註冊有關數據和 AI 資產的元數據,以及控管其存取權的許可權。 Azure Databricks 帳戶管理員應該為每個其運作的區域建立一個...
Added USP0015 suppressor for CA1801. Unused parameters shouldn't be removed from Unity messages (FxCop). Added MenuItem support to the USP0009 suppressor.Bug fixesIntegration: Fixed USP0001 and USP0002 suppressors not working with extra parentheses or with method arguments. Fixed mandatory asset da...
A pull-type asynchronous stream does not get the next values until the asynchronous processing in the sequence is complete. This could spill data from push-type events such as buttons.// can not get click event during 3 seconds complete. await button.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().ForEachAwait...
However, the value cannot be empty and it must be unique among all Settings/Groups within the same SettingsAsset. Should that not be the case, the system will reset the GUID to its previous value. Name string The Name is supposed to be the default label for the Setting on UI. Is also...