Combinemeshes { /// /// (效率低,适应性高)模型点超过65535自动分模型,一个mesh上有多个材质会分出来成为子集部分,父节点要有mesh则 fatherMesh = true; /// public static GameObject MergeMesh1(GameObject parent, bool fatherMesh = true) { //获取原始坐标 ...
方法public void CombineMeshes(CombineInstance[] combine) 例mesh.CombineMeshes(combine) 1.参数combine 的数组长度不能大于int16, 如有大量Mesh需要合并, 需要分批次进行 2.mesh中原有的Mesh将会被combine 中Mesh所代替, 所以如果希望保留调用者Mesh中的mesh数据, 需要一并放进combine 数组中, 并在调用CombineMesh...
Additional parameters(附加参数) Multiple materials(多材质球):一般不勾选,多材质球会占用更多批处理。 Custom shader properties(自定义着色器属性) size(大小) tiling factor(瓷砖数):重复贴图数 padding(填充) Meshes Settings:(网格设置) Combine meshes(合并网格):勾选 Target GameObject(目标游戏对象):为空即可。
Mesh.CombineMeshes public voidCombineMeshes(CombineInstance[]combine, boolmergeSubMeshes= true, booluseMatrices= true, boolhasLightmapData= false); 参数 combine要合并的网格的描述。 mergeSubMeshes定义网格是否应合并到单个子网格中。 useMatrices定义是应使用还是忽略在 CombineInstance 数组中提供的变换。
_r.sharedMesh.CombineMeshes (lcom.ToArray(),true,false);改成_r.sharedMesh.CombineMeshes (lcom.ToArray(),false,false);上图片了,懒得打字,打出来还特么黑白的……换装什么的,多个材质合并什么的,道理呢差不多,各位自己解决了,俺要继续加班去鸟,不送…… 只待苍霞 Script 11 内外兼羞 PS 吧主 15...
CombineMeshes 将多个网格合并到此网格中。 GetAllBoneWeights 获取网格的骨骼权重。 GetBaseVertex 获取给定 sub-mesh 的基顶点索引。 GetBindposes 获取网格的绑定姿势。 GetBlendShapeBuffer Retrieves a GraphicsBuffer that provides direct read and write access to GPU blend shape vertex data. GetBlendShapeBuffer...
By writing a script that uses Mesh.CombineMeshes, it’s possible to combine multiple meshes into one mesh, at runtime. Doing so will result in a static mesh but can improve performance. In the optimal cases, this will result in fewer draw calls (which can be verified by using the Frame...
拓展2:使用Mesh.CombineMeshes合并网格 拓展3:Forward Rendering和Deferred Rendering Unity can't fully apply dynamic batching to GameObjects that use multi-pass shaders. ...
Easy Mesh Combiner allows you to combine the meshes of your scenes in a very easy and intuitive way, all through your Unity Editor (or in Runtime) without the need for third-party programs for example. EMC can also generate Atlas from your meshes textures and...
2017-10-18 13:21 −【Mesh.CombineMeshes】 public void CombineMeshes(CombineInstance[] combine, bool mergeSubMeshes = true, bool useMatrices =... Tekkaman 0 329 关于Unity 获得和使用GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh时的心得 2014-06-16 19:07 −原文地址: