查看待处理修改 Pending Changes一栏能显示当前工作空间中所有尚未同步至云端存储库的修改,该功能可记录文件的添加、修改、移动和删除等多种类型的修改。 你可在此处勾选任意需要同步的文件,写下自己的评论,然后点击Checkin Changes按钮来开始同步。或者,你也能选中修改过的文件,再点击Undo Changes按钮来撤销修改。注意,...
Find changed files in the workspace检查工作空间目录结构以通过时间戳识别更改的文件。 Check the content to determine files as changed, not just timestamp使用更新的时间戳计算文件的哈希,以确保实际更改了文件内容。 What to show选项卡 Auto-refreshPlastic 会根据需要自动刷新 Pending Changes 列表,以避免手动...
项目中的改动会被自动检测,放入到 PlasticSCM 窗口中的 Pendingchanges 窗口,并可以在该窗口中直接提交到云端。 02 处理合并(Merge) 任务开发完成后,需要将 Branch 并入主线。这个时候我们在 Branch 分支上点击右键,选择“Merge from this changeset to...” 然后选择目标分支。 后续根据操作提示即可完成从分支到主线...
1.1.4 完成新建PlasticSCM项目 系统将自动启动Unity引擎打开项目,自动创建远程仓库,并自动完成第一次的Checkin(Commit)。 您将看到远程仓库以及分支已经自动在项目中完成创建。 同时您也将看到PlasticSCM窗口已经自动将项目资源作为Pending changes Items(待提交内容)。 1.1.5 自动创建一个新的Branch 这里需要注意Main分...
Changes in This Release In addition to this introductory material, the documentation contains the following topics: Developing Applications Using the Unity Application Block. This topic explains how to use the Unity Application Block in your applications. It lists the system requirements, explains how ...
This is always the top-level folder in the Unity Editor. But make changes only in the Unity interface, never through the file system. The Library folder is the local cache for imported assets; it holds all metadata for assets. The ProjectSettings folder stores settings you confi...
View the change log for Visual Studio Tools for Unity, Windows. See changes from version through and beyond.
With these two changes in place, we properly handle the ability to enter/exit full screen and pause the game when our window loses focus. InputEarlier releases of Unity had great support for input in Windows games, and this hasn’t changed with Wi...
2018–11–16 页面已修订并只进行了有限的编辑审查 在2018.1 版中更新了外部脚本编辑器的列表 在Unity 2018.2 中添加了 Script Changes While Playing 和 Device To Use 下拉菜单 为Unity 2018.3 新增了统一设置和其他更新 在2018.3 版中添加了子游戏对象的选择轮廓线颜色偏好设置...
Metamask connectivity in browser The example includes the reference to the openupm com.nethereum.unity package which includes the Nethereum main dlls for .net472 and netstandard https://github.com/Nethereum/Nethereum.Unity. Check the package for installation information, or the Package configurati...