然而,使用z轴进行某些脚本编写技术可能很有用,所以您仍然可以使用Inspector中的Transform组件来设置z轴。 有关转换GameObject的更多信息,请参阅Transform组件的文档。 Transform Transform工具结合了Move、Rotate和Scale工具。它的Gizmo提供了移动和旋转的控制手柄。当工具手柄旋转设置为局部(参见下文)时,Transform工具还提供了...
Rect Transforms 与Transform一样,RectTransform具有位置、旋转和比例,但它也具有宽度和高度,用于指定矩形的大小。 2.2.1 Resizing Versus Scaling 当Rect Tool 用来改变一个对象的大小时,对于2D系统中的Sprites和3D对象,它会改变对象的localscale局部大小,但是,当它被用于带有Recttransform的对象时,它将改变宽度和高度,保...
在这个示例中,我们创建了一个脚本ExampleScript,它监听附加到同一GameObject上的RectTransform组件的尺寸变化事件,并在尺寸变化时输出日志信息并更新文本内容。 4. 讨论OnRectTransformDimensionsChange方法在Unity项目中的实际应用场景 OnRectTransformDimensionsChange方法在实际项目中有很多应用场景,例如: ...
MarkLayoutForRebuild(rectTransform); if (m_OnDirtyLayoutCallback != null) m_OnDirtyLayoutCallback(); } OnRectTransformDimensionsChange是指当UI的RectTransform更改时的回调,只要继承UIBehavior即可获取回调。 所以只要RectTransform的属性发生变化,都会导致网格重建: position、width、height、anchors、pivot、rotatio...
Inherits from:Transform / Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule Leave feedback Description Position, size, anchor and pivot information for a rectangle. RectTransforms are used for GUI but can also be used for other things. It's used to store and manipulate the position, size, and anchoring of...
OnRectTransformDimensionsChange OnValidate OnDidApplyAnimationProperties Rich Text(富文本) UI元素和文本网格可以包含丰富的字体和大小。Text、GUIStyle、GUIText和TextMesh类有富文本设置指示Unity去寻找markup tags在文本中。Debug.Log函数也可以适用markup tags去丰富error输出效果。tags不会显示但是将改变字体样式。
When the Rect Tool is used to change the size of an object, normally for Sprites in the 2D system and for 3D objects it will change the local scale of the object. However, when it's used on an object with a Rect Transform on it, it will instead change the width and the height, ...
When the Rect Tool is used to change the size of an object, normally for Sprites in the 2D system and for 3D objects it will change the local scale of the object. However, when it's used on an object with a Rect Transform on it, it will instead change the width and the height, ...
protected void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange(); Description This callback is called if an associated RectTransform has its dimensions changed. The call is also made to all child rect transforms, even if the child transform itself doesn't change - as it could have, depending on its a...
private RectTransform rectTransform; private bool isInventoryBarPositionBottom = true; //判断背包条是否在视角下方 public bool IsInventoryBarPositionBottom { get { return isInventoryBarPositionBottom; } set { isInventoryBarPositionBottom = value; } } private void Awake() { rectTransform = GetComponent...