You can change defaults in the GUI for primitive types, and you can also expose public variables (not properties, though) of many different object types. If I drag and drop this code onto another GameObject, a completely separate instance of that code component gets instantiated. ...
//控制人物翻转 通过获取原始轴进行反转 只控制x轴 当x的scale是-1时 会产生翻转 float direction = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); if(direction!=0) transform.localScale = Vector3(direction,1,1); } /* #region 控制速度方法 public void SetSpeedX(float x){ if(x<0) { //控制翻转 spriteRende...
The Root Transform is a projection on the Y plane of the Body Transform and is computed at runtime. At every frame, a change in... Upgrading to Unity 3.5 In that case it is recommended that you recreate the prefabs or Game Object hierarchies by dragging your FBX file into your sce.....
此功能用于返回和设置GameObject对象的欧拉角。 forward属性:z轴单位向量 public Vector3 forward{get; set;} 此属性用于返回或设置transform自身坐标系中z轴方向的单位向量对应的世界坐标系中的单位向量,transform.forward即为transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))的简化方式。 hasChanged属性:...
In this example the script’s transform has its position added to every Update call - that is, every frame - in the forward direction. The amount that is added is the speed variable multiplied by Time.deltaTime which equals a distance. This distance will change depending on the length of ...
Vector3 enemyDirection = (enemyPos - transform.position).normalized;//两个单位向量的点乘等于其夹角的余弦值floatenemyAngle = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(skillDirection, enemyDirection)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;//敌人朝向和技能朝向的夹角小于二分之一扇形角说明在扇形范围内if(enemyAngle <= angle /2) ...
public Vector3 forward { get; set; } transform 1. 世界空间中,物体的(变换组件的)z轴 应当注意当物体旋转角度后,其自身的坐标轴也随之变换,使用“transform.forward”可以获取物体当前自身坐标系(Local而非Global)的z轴 public bool hasChanged { get; set; } ...
public Vector3 inputMoveDirection =; // Is the jump button held down? We use this interface instead of checking // for the jump button directly so this script can also be used by AIs. [System.NonSerialized] public bool inputJump = false; ...
usingSystem;usingGAS.Runtime;usingUnityEngine;publicclassFireAsset:AbilityAsset{publicGameObjectbulletPrefab;publicoverrideTypeAbilityType()=>typeof(Fire);// 下文对应Fire的Ability} Fire的配置很简单,只需要一个子弹的预制体引用。 而AbilityType()是AbilityAsset的抽象方法,必须实现。该方法用于映射AbilityAsset对...
将ExtendedEyeGazeDataProvider.cs 脚本从此处添加到 Unity 项目。 创建场景,然后将 ExtendedEyeGazeDataProvider.cs 脚本附加到任何 GameObject。使用ExtendedEyeGazeDataProvider.cs 函数并实现逻辑。生成并部署到 HoloLens。使用ExtendedEyeGazeDataProvider 的函数备注 ExtendedEyeGazeDataProvider 脚本依赖于混合现实 OpenXR 插件...