Case :后面是 冒号 Break的使用 表示结束 练习2 publicclassswitchplay_8:MonoBehaviour{publicintWeaponID;voidStart(){}voidUpdate(){switch(WeaponID){case1:Debug.Log("Gun");break;case2:Debug.Log("knife");break;case3:Debug.Log("Machine Gun");break;case4:Debug.Log("Invalid Weapon");break;}}...
unity case(16) unity ios(3) unlity3d(54) wcf(3) wp8(3) wpf(2) xmal(3) xml(1) 创业(1) 多线程(1) 基础知识(8) 剑指offer(1) 面试(3) 其他(5) 软件(1) 软学(2) 设计模式(5) 数据结构(6) 算法(16) 随笔(2) 系统(9) 字符串(2) 随笔档案 20...
用枚举配合switch case语句。 用多态与虚函数(也就是状态模式)。 下面让我们用代码来实现。不妨先从简单的方式开始,用枚举与switch case语句实现。 四、用枚举配合switch case实现状态机 我们知道,上文中实现的女英雄类Heroine有一些布尔类型的成员变量:isJumping_和isDucking,但是这两个变量永远不可能同时为True。
Switch语法: switch(变量或者表达式的值){case值1: 要执行的代码;break;case值2:要执行的代码;break;……case值N:要执行的代码;break;default:要执行的代码;break;} 注意:case的值一定要与条件中变量或者表达式的值一致。 for语句嵌套循环练习 九九乘法表: ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于unity switch case语句的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及unity switch case语句问答内容。更多unity switch case语句相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Looking for an opportunity to show off your Made with Unity Web game? Submit your game to a showcase on Unity Play. The best games will be chosen for exciting prizes - and bragging rights! submit your game Find the real-time 3D role that's right for you ...
- Unity Essentials and Junior Programmer graduate Showcase See what other students are creating Each Pathway includes assignments to put your new skills into practice and share your work. To inspire you, here are some projects other students have created. Space Shooter
case kUnityGfxDeviceEventShutdown: { s_RendererType = kUnityGfxRendererNull; //TODO:用户关闭代码 break; } case kUnityGfxDeviceEventBeforeReset: { //TODO:用户 Direct3D 9 代码 break; } case kUnityGfxDeviceEventAfterReset: { //TODO:用户 Direct3D 9 代码 break; } }; } ...
{ secondsElapsed += Time.deltaTime; } void OnDestroy(){ Dictionary<string, object> customParams = new Dictionary<string, object>(); customParams.Add("seconds_played", secondsElapsed); customParams.Add("points", score); customParams.Add("deaths", deaths); switch(this.state){ case Level...
case "/": oper = new OperationDiv(); break; } return oper; } } public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("请选择运算符号(+ 、- 、*、/、):"); string strOperate = Console.ReadLine(); Operation oper; ...