免费使用最广泛应用的游戏引擎,将您的创意和愿景变为现实。 了解详情 Pro 利用专业工具释放团队潜力,创作跨设备和平台的爆款游戏。 了解详情 Enterprise 使用可根据团队规模扩展的专家支持和创作工具,管理复杂的实时 3D 项目。 了解详情 免责声明 创作者名单:No Rest For the Wicked, Moon Studios GmbH, Private Div...
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic;// using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class GameController : MonoBehaviour { public Text questionDisplayText; public SimpleObjectPool answerButtonObjectPool;//按钮对象池 public Transform answerButtonPare...
Unity: Input Button Cancel is not Setup 因为场景中有些东西需要取消轴(很可能是画布和事件管理器)。修复方法如下: 转到输入管理器(编辑->项目设置->输入) 将大小增加一 将名称设置为“取消”(不带引号) 将“肯定”按钮设置为“退出”(无引号)或类似的内容...
You can still add a GUI Text component to the game object in 4.6 by clicking the Add Component button; it’s just missing from the Editor menu. With the existing (legacy) Unity GUI system, you can’t see your GUI objects in the scene view, only in the Game view, which makes layout...
You can upgrade your packages by clicking Window | Asset Store and then the bin icon. You can also check out reviews and comments to more easily determine if a particular item is good for your project, for example, whether its mobile-optimized or not. Desktop gam...
Clicking Play plays the game near instantly without having to perform separate builds. Pause pauses the game, and advance frame runs it one frame at a time, giving you very tight debugging control. Console: This window can become somewhat hidden, but it shows output from your compile, errors...
OpenLockedDoorHandler.cs(by double clicking or right click **→ **Open) Before we start looking at the functions we need to implement, we need to do something special in this case. Since we want our door to BE a mechanism, we need our class to derive from the Mechanism base class. ...
Selected Material Highlight Set the outline color that shows when clicking on a mesh in the MeshRenderer to ping the submesh in the Scene view. Selected Outline Set the outline color for the selected GameObjects. UI Collider Handle Set the color to use for the Unity UI’s padding visualizati...
常用解决办法4:Resources.Load函数应用不当导致的错误.你自以为脚本逻辑正确(实际上也确实正确啊),的的确确是有给物体赋值,但就是报错Object reference not set to an instance of an object.例如, objButton = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefab/FirstButton")) as GameObject; ...
Depending on your browser type, clicking the Esc key might not always trigger the event to forward from the browser to the application. HideMobileInput The HideMobileInput option in TextMeshPro (also known as TMP) input fields has no effect on the Web platform. This option has no effect ...