压缩方式尽量使用LZ4,少用或不要用LZMA的压缩方式。如果确定后续开发不会升级Unity版本,则可以尝试启用打包选项BuildAssetBundleOption.DisableWriteType,这样TypeTree信息不会被打到AB包中,可以极大减小包体大小以及运行加载时的内存开销。 使用AssetBundle或者Addressables加载的资源,如果不使用,要记得卸载它们,否则会造成内存...
Xcode的功能也十分的强大,在我们开发IOS端时,可以使用其GPU frame Capture 功能为我们的项目进行性能优化分析。 在unity中,我们打包时在Run In Xcode as 选择debug模式,并且勾选Development Build 打包完成后,使用Xcode打开文件,在Xcode中选择Product ——> Scheme——> Manage Schemes 然后会出现如下界面 我们双击这个...
Optimising IL2CPP build times Enabling runtime checks using IL2CppSetOption Some platforms don’t supportAOT compilationAhead of Time (AOT) compilation is an optimization method used by all platforms except iOS for optimizing the size of the built player. .More info ...
Leverage incremental building by building your project to the same directory every time, reusing the pre-built files there Disable anti-malware software scans for your project & build folders OpenVirus & threat protectionunder your Windows 10 settings app ...
对于Unity性能优化,官方有非常好的教程。(参见官方教程:https://unity3d.com/cn/learn/tutorials/topics/performance-optimization)。如果英文水平一般,可以参考官方教程翻译:http://www.cnblogs.com/alan777/p/6204759.html。 同时你也可以去看看腾讯是如何做Unity手游性能优化的:http://wetest.qq.com/lab/view/108...
A development build includes debug symbols and enables the Profiler. More infoEditor 术语 锚点(Anchor): 一种UI 布局工具,用于将 UI 元素固定到父元素。锚点在 Scene 视图中显示为四个小三角形控制柄,锚点信息也显示在 Inspector 中。更多信息 Console 窗口 (Console window)*: Unity Editor 窗口,其中显示 ...
Build时勾选Development.Build、Autoconnect.Profiler 特定场景修改帧数: Unity>Preferences>Analysis>Profiler>Frame Count 默认300,可以最大提高至2000,以应用于不同的调试优化场景。(同时这个数值越高,越耗费cpu以及内存) Profiler视图: Hierarchy 它支持根据耗时来对采样进行排序。同时也可以计算计算当前帧函数调用的次数...
Unity combines all Meshes marked as Static into one large Mesh at build time. You can also generate static batches yourself at runtime (for example, after generating a procedural level of static parts) using StaticBatchingUtility. Always bake lightmaps at the largest atlas size possible. Fewer ...
第一种方式:「File -> Build Settings... -> Player Settings...」 第二种方式:「Edit -> Project Settings... -> Player」 打开之后的面板都是一样的,平时应该使用第一种方式居多~ ❝ 「提示」:Unity老版本使用第一种方式启动Player面板的时候他会附着在Unity上,如下图所示 使用第二种方式启动就是弹...
In this lesson, you will learn about each of the key performance metrics for VR (fps, polycount, and draw calls) and how to ensure these metrics are optimized. By the end of this lesson, your app will be more optimized for performance. This lesson is pa