三、Unity官方文档对coroutine的解释: Normal coroutine updates are run after theUpdate function returns. Acoroutine is a function that can suspend its execution (yield) until the givenYieldInstruction finishes. Different uses of Coroutines: yield; The coroutine will continue after all Update functionshav...
前面已经介绍过对协程(Coroutine)的认识和理解,主要讲到了Unity引擎在执行协程(Coroutine)的原理(Unity协程(Coroutine)原理深入剖析)和对协程(Coroutine)状态的控制(Unity协程(Coroutine)管理类——TaskManager工具分享),到这使用Coroutine的疑问就没有了,但是D.S.Qiu还是有点没嚼烂,所以觉得很有必要再续。 本文主要分为...
coroutine.MoveNext()){ yield break; } } catch(Exception e){ this.e = e; yield break; } object yielded = coroutine.Current; if(yielded != null && yielded.GetType() == typeof(T)){ returnVal = (T)yielded; yield break; } else{ yield return coroutine.Current; } }...
1.if(yielded != null && yielded.GetType() == typeof(T)){ 2.returnVal = (T)yielded; 3.yield break; 4.} 其实就是Unity引擎每帧去 check yield return 后面的表达式,如果满足就继续向下执行。 下面在测试一个例子:连续两次调用 yield return coroutine; C#代码 1.private Coroutine routine1; 2.voi...
MoveNext returns false if the last thing yielded was "break" of the end of the function that returned the IEnumerator was reach. If this is the case, unity removes the IEnumerator from the coroutines list. 由于上面已经概括了Unity实现协程的思想,这里稍作补充,源码就不贴了: ...
(fun); } public Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine) { return controller.StartCoroutine(routine); } public Coroutine StartCoroutine(string methodName, [DefaultValue("null")] object value) { return controller.StartCoroutine(methodName, value); } public Coroutine StartCoroutine(string methodName) ...
支持:如果同时你要处理很多事情或者与Unity的对象互动小可以用thread,否则使用coroutine。注意:C#中有lock这个关键字,以确保只有一个线程可以在特定时间内访问特定的对象40、Unity3D的协程和C#线程之间的区别是什么?答:多线程程序同时运行多个线程 ,而在任一指定时刻只有一个协程在运行,并且这个正在运行的协同程序只在...
Coroutines Coroutines are backed by an instance of a class that is autogenerated by the C# compiler. This object is needed to track the st... Coroutines As it stands, the Fade function will not have the effect you might expect. In order for the fading to be visible, the alpha mus....
Creating this smooth flow of code is one of the steps you take to ensure that the app doesn’t drop frames. Coroutines start and pause a method with each frame, letting a method span multiple frames without locking the app. StartCoroutine is very useful to do methods that could ...