autoTiling Determines whether the BoxCollider2D's shape is automatically updated based on a SpriteRenderer's tiling properties. edgeRadius Controls the radius of all edges created by the collider. size 矩形の幅と高さ 継承メンバー 変数 enabled 有効であれば更新され、無効であれば更新されません...
class in UnityEngine / 継承:Collider 説明 立方体のプリミティブコライダーです。 関連項目:SphereCollider,CapsuleCollider,PhysicMaterial,Rigidbody 変数 centerローカル座標でのコライダーの中心座標を返します。 sizeローカルサイズでのコライダーの大きさを返します。
public const float BoxBottomHeight = 1f; // カーソルの線が地面と重なって隠れない程度の高さ public const float BoxCenterHeight = (BoxUpperHeight + BoxBottomHeight) / 2.0f; private const float boxSizeY = BoxUpperHeight - BoxBottomHeight; private const float slider2DHandleSize = 0.35f; ...
BoxCollider BoxCollider2D BuildCompression BuoyancyEffector2D Cache CachedAssetBundle Caching Camera Canvas CanvasGroup CanvasRenderer CapsulecastCommand CapsuleCollider CapsuleCollider2D CharacterController CharacterInfo CharacterJoint CircleCollider2D Cloth ClothSkinningCoefficient ClothSphereColliderPair ClusterInput Cluster...
BoxCollider BoxCollider2D BuoyancyEffector2D Cache CachedAssetBundle Caching Camera Canvas CanvasGroup CanvasRenderer CapsuleCollider CapsuleCollider2D CharacterController CharacterInfo CharacterJoint CircleCollider2D Cloth ClothSkinningCoefficient ClothSphereColliderPair ClusterInput ClusterNetwork Collider Collider2D Collid...
Note that when BoxCollider2D.edgeRadius that is greater than zero is used (to produce radial edges), the Mesh is created to also represent that geometry.When creating a Mesh to represent Collider2D geometry, all open primitives (edges) have special handling. When the start vertex of the ...
Collider2D.Raycast public int Raycast (Vector2 direction, RaycastHit2D[] results, float distance= Mathf.Infinity, int layerMask= Physics2D.AllLayers, float minDepth= -Mathf.Infinity, float maxDepth= Mathf.Infinity); パラメーター direction Ray の方向を表すベクトル results 結果を受け取る配...
BoxCollider BoxCollider2D BuildCompression BuoyancyEffector2D Cache CachedAssetBundle Caching Camera Canvas CanvasGroup CanvasRenderer CapsulecastCommand CapsuleCollider CapsuleCollider2D CharacterController CharacterInfo CharacterJoint CircleCollider2D Cloth ClothSkinningCoefficient ClothSphereColliderPair ClusterInput Cluster...
CircleCollider2Dclass in UnityEngine/継承:Collider2D説明 円の2D 物理演算を表現するためのコライダーです。関連項目: BoxCollider クラス、PolygonCollider2D クラス .変数 radius 円の半径継承メンバー 変数 enabled 有効であれば更新され、無効であれば更新されません。 isActiveAndEnabled Behaviour ...
Collider2D.friction public float friction ; 説明 Get the friction used by the collider. 関連項目: Collider2D.sharedMaterial & PhysicsMaterial2D.friction. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page Copyright © 2023 Unity Technologies. Publication...