inertiaTensorThe inertia tensor of this body. inertiaTensorRotation惯性张量的旋转。 isRootIndicates whether this body is the root body of the articulation (Read Only). jointAccelerationThe joint acceleration in reduced coordinates. jointForceThe joint force in reduced coordinates. ...
A body that forms part of a Physics articulation.An articulation is a set of bodies arranged in a logical tree. The parent-child link in this tree reflects that the bodies have their relative motion constrained. Articulations are solved by a Featherstone solver that works in reduced coordinates...
然后,它创建GameObjects的层次结构,其中每个GameObject是一个Articulation Body组件,表示机器人中的特定链接。它将URDF中的属性分配给Articulation Body中的相应字段。当用户将机器人添加到Unity时,URDF导入器会自动创建一个基本的键盘关节控制器。用户可以使用ArticulationBody API用自定义控制器替换该控制器。 例如,这是Niry...
Python API:Python communication interface Unity Player:Receiving messages from Python and executing simulations Unity EditMode:Used for building or editing simulation scenes. This code is located in asubmodule Follow the steps below to configure and run example scenes through the release version ...
public Rigidbody rigidbody { get; } // // : // The ArticulationBody of the collider that was hit. If the collider is not attached // to an articulation body then it is null. public ArticulationBody articulationBody { get; } // // : // The uv lightmap coordinate at the impact ...
Force/Torque Sensor API. This API will allow users to get the force and torque acting on an articulation body (useful for simulating a force/torque sensor!), as well as to get the motor torque applied by an articulation drive. Query primitives. These simple, GameObject-less shapes allow for...
该回调函数向MoveIt运动计划器发出服务请求。服务请求包括机器人的当前姿态,目标对象的姿态和目标位置。当MoveIt收到计划请求时,它将尝试计算运动计划。如果成功,该服务将返回计划,即一系列关节位置,并且Unity脚本使用Articulation Body API执行运动轨迹。否则,它将返回失败消息。
该回调函数向MoveIt运动计划器发出服务请求。服务请求包括机器人的当前姿态,目标对象的姿态和目标位置。当MoveIt收到计划请求时,它将尝试计算运动计划。如果成功,该服务将返回计划,即一系列关节位置,并且Unity脚本使用Articulation Body API执行运动轨迹。否则,它将返回失败消息。
This API will allow users to get the force and torque acting on an articulation body (useful for simulating a force/torque sensor!), as well as to get the motor torque applied by an articulation drive. Query primitives. These simple, GameObject-less shapes allow for collision detection ...
我们将在以后的数个版本持续迭代、完善该功能。在Unity 2022.1中,我们公开了一组函数用于计算当前作用于ArticulationBodies的力的组成,在这些力抵消之后物体才能向着预定的轨迹运动。我们会在后续版本中继续披露更多有趣的概念,比如抵消解算器冲力的关节力。我们欢迎大家亲自尝试一下,并在论坛上留下你的想法。