摘要:Finds a GameObject by name and returns it. 按名称查找GameObject并返回它。 public static GameObject[]FindGameObjectsWithTag(string tag); 摘要:Returns a list of active GameObjects tagged tag. Returns empty array if no GameObject was found. 返回一个带有标签的活动游戏对象列表。如果没有找到GameO...
不管你是前者还是后者,既然想让更多的项目能够复用,我们得能同时满足两者的需要,为了前者,我们需要另一个构建函数: public PoolOfGameObjects(GameObject sample,int capacity) { this.sample = sample; pool = new List<GameObject> (); Add(capacity); index = 0; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在初始化...
I have an array of Gameobjects that is created on Start, each of the gameobjects in the array have a script called Pump_event. What I want to do is add the gameobject with a true boolean (damaged) to the list so that I can create a GUI list of all the motors that are damaged ...
与其经常性地实例化和销毁 GameObjects(如射出的子弹),不如使用对象池将对象预先储存,再重复地使用和回收。 对象池: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O 在这个例子中,ObjectPool创建了20个PlayerLaser实例供重复使用 在游戏特定时间点(如显示菜单画面时)创建可复用的实例,来降低 CPU 处理高峰的影响,再用一个集合来形成“...
Networked GameObjects Multiplayer games in Unity are typically built using Scenes that contain a mix of networked GameObjects and regular (non-networ... Positioning GameObjects Use vertex snapping to quickly assemble your Scenes: take any vertex from a given Mesh and place that vertex in the same...
public class PoolOfGameObjects { private List<GameObject> pool;//存放提前创建好的对象缓存区 private GameObject sample;//这个对象池缓存的对象样本 private int index;//未使用对象的位置坐标(比如10个对象,使用了3个,index就会变成3,即pool[3]是下一个可用得对象) ...
List<GameObject> myListOfGameObjects = new List<GameObject>(); Dictionary<int, String> myDictionary = new Dictionary<int, String>(); 新建一个脚本作为测试: public class GenericCollectionsTest : MonoBehaviour { #region PUBLIC_DECLARATIONS public int numberOfIterations = 10000000; ...
MyComponent[] Components = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MyComponent)) as MyComponent[]; foreach (MyComponent Component in Components) { // ... } // 按标签查找GameObject GameObject[] GameObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MyTag"); ...
Note:RequireComponent only checks for missing dependencies whenGameObject.AddComponentis called. This happens both in the Editor, or at runtime. Unity does not automatically add any missing dependences to the components with GameObjects that lack the new dependencies. ...