KeyboardcurrentKeyboard=Keyboard.current;//按下if(currentKeyboard.aKey.wasPressedThisFrame){Debug.Log("A was pressed this frame");}//长按if(currentKeyboard.aKey.isPressed){Debug.Log("A pressed");}//抬起if(currentKeyboard.aKey.wasReleasedThisFrame){Debug.Log("A was released this frame");} ...
The following code sample prints messages to the console when any mouse buttons are pressed, showing which button triggered the event, and which buttons are currently pressed. This code sample highlights registering a callback to theMouseDownEventand how to use the event parameters. To see the ex...
Send "button pressed" message to UnityWndClass Ask Question Asked9 years, 3 months ago Modified9 years, 3 months ago Viewed2k times 2 I have 3D game and i need to press buttons in this game from another application. Spy++ says that window of the game is UnityWndClass. When i pressing...
if(Keyboard.current.anyKey.wasPressedThisFrame) { print("任意键被按下"); } ——— 鼠标输入方法——获取鼠标控制 Mousemouse = Mouse.current; //鼠标左键 mouse.leftButton //鼠标右键 mouse.rightButton //鼠标中键 mouse.middleButton //鼠标向前...
Mouse.current.leftButton.isPressed; 新旧版对比 鼠标中键、右键使用方法并无差别,将“leftButton”更换为“middleButton”/“rightButton”。 这里的isPressed要稍微提一下,我们按住Ctrl点击isPressed会发现,按住的判断是通过ReadValue()与一个默认值pressPointOrDefault进行对比返回的结果。所以也可以用 ...
These are all single dimensional, analog float values. Buttons, triggers, and other controls that can be ‘half pressed’ are identified here. kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTriggeris a 1D axis that maps to an index-actuated trigger. This must always be within the range of [0,1] where 0 is op...
So first of all you would need to set up a Button within a Canvas somewhere in your Scene. If you go via Hierarchy View→ right click→ Create→ UI→ Button this automatically creates a new Canvas if you don't have any so far and adds a Button to it. And the code would...
Left); //开启按键监听 leftMouseButtonInput.BeginListening(); } private void Update() { if (leftMouseButtonInput.IsPressed) Debug.Log("鼠标左键 按下"); if (leftMouseButtonInput.IsHeld) Debug.Log("鼠标左键 持续按下"); if (leftMouseButtonInput.IsReleased) Debug.Log("鼠标左键 抬起"); ...
public class KeyCodeOnGUIExample : MonoBehaviour { void OnGUI() { if (Event.current.Equals(Event.KeyboardEvent(KeyCode.Space.ToString())) { Debug.Log("Space key is pressed."); } } } For joystick and gamepad button presses, consider using Input.GetButtonDown and Input.GetButtonUp inst...