上传本地Git库到暂存区,提交。 输入git add .添加目录下的所有文件(除了要被忽略的)到暂存区 输入git commit -m "注释内容" 输入git remote add origin {0},{0}是第一步创建的仓库的地址:https://github.com/我的名字/仓库名.git 输入git push -u origin master将本地的master分支推送到origin远程仓库,...
1.先进入github,新建一个库 库的名字这些随便取,描述随便写,记得选公有Public,私有似乎要钱? Readme file勾不勾无所谓,会生成一个txt文件,在下方Add .gitignore这里记得选个Unity,这样会默认帮我们过滤一些文件夹和文件,然后创建仓库 2.这个时候我们再来到要上传的项目本地文件夹下,打开右键菜单,点击下方的 Open...
During installation, make sure to include Windows/Mac Build Support (IL2CPP), Windows/Mac Dedicated Server Build Support, Android/iOS Build Support (if you plan to build for mobile devices), and Linux Dedicated Server Build Support. To add the project to the Unity Hub, click the Add button...
If you're familiar with Pokémon Essentials, have a preference for Unity or C#, and are willing to put in the effort, this project is a perfect match for you. However, it's important to note that this is not a ready-made game. It's aFRAMEWORK, a basis for you to build your own...
In the Unity Hub, add the sample project, which is the space-jam-a-new-legacy-mrtk-starter-project/SpaceJam/ folder.If necessary, allow Unity to upgrade the project to your installed version.Next, open the project in Unity.In the Project panel, open the Scenes folder. Then, select and ...
Cannot perform upm operation: Unable to add package [https://mycompany.github.com/gitproject/com.mycompany.mypackage.git]: Error when executing git command. fatal: repository 'https://mycompany.github.com/gitproject/com.mycompany.mypackage.git/' not found [NotFound] UnityEditor.EditorApplication...
git-lfs/2.8.0 (GitHub; darwin amd64; go 1.12.7) 否则,可以按照BitbucketGitHub说明进行安装。 Repository not found 如果您指定了不存在的位置,则在Unity 控制台中会出现以下类似的消息: Cannot perform upm operation: Unable to add package [https://mycompany.github.com/gitproject/com.mycompany.mypacka...
注意包名和勾选Mark this project as a library选项。 (2)导入Classes.jar包到Android工程中 Unity和Android做交互,他们两个之间不认识肯定,没法直接通信,因此需要一个中间的搭桥牵线的人,Classes.jar就起到了这个作用。Classes.jar是由Unity提供给我们的,我们需要找到它并且引入到我们的Android项目中。Claess.jar的...
在Unity 2020中,你需要在“Project Settings ->Package Manager ”中启用“Enable Preview Packages ”。 然后在Unity中安装内存分析器。安装完成后,转到“Window -> Analysis -> Memory Profiler”启动该工具。 在Unity 2021及更高版本中,添加包的方法已更改。要添加一个包,点击“按名称添加包”并输入“com.unit...
链接:https://github.com/googleads/googleads-mobile-unity/issues/2559 2、ProjectSetting中指定API Level,ARMv7 ARM64也需要勾选。需指定为31 注释: API Level最初设置为0(本机highest level),后设置为30,最终设置为31。为解决一个报错: 编译器 (1.8.0-adoptopenjdk) 中出现异常错误。如果在 Bug Database...