要求非常简单,2D的obj面朝制定obj。但是我用look at总是旋转x轴,有什么办法旋转z轴?重载什么的试了,并没有用处 lugtj55 Script 11 顶顶,unity吧没人么 第五轻柔 Project 14 自己算方向啊 mercurys123 Prefab 5 void mouse_shuru(){if (mouseroute) // 鼠标旋转开执行鼠标旋转player{Vector3 mouse...
I am making a top-down shooter in Unity, and did the "movement" and "look at mouse" scripts, and the player rotates normally to face the mouse, but then I applied a Vector2.Lerp to smooth the rotation a bit and now when the player's Z rotation (the game is being played o...
原理很简单,因为骨骼也是一个物体,也拥有transform那一套东西,所以可以简单地用LookAt来让某个骨骼望向目标点。 usingUnityEngine;publicclassMouseAim : MonoBehaviour {//要控制的骨骼publicTransform spine;//要Lookat的那个点,把它设置为角色的子物体,然后z轴拉远一点publicTransform point;//不断调试,获取具体旋...
drawing large circles with the mouse around the player gives a slower rotation, than extremely tight circles around the player. a sollution that worked for me but its in 2D also dont make the camera a child of the player but use a slurping script as shown in this video. https://www.yo...
2D Animation Towards the Mouse from Rude Bear Radio in Unity So, let’s look at how to apply it in the above example (a 2D GameObject following the mouse). First of all, we need to know where the mouse is on the 2D area. In order to find that, we first place this code into th...
2D Animation Towards the Mouse from Rude Bear Radio in Unity So, let’s look at how to apply it in the above example (a 2D GameObject following the mouse). First of all, we need to know where the mouse is on the 2D area. In order to find that, we first place this code into th...
Download the latest version of Unity and get yourself a two-button mouse with a clickable scroll wheel. There’s a single download that can be licensed for free mode or pro. You can see the differences between the versions at unity3d.com/unity/licenses. The Editor, which is the main Unit...
系统标签: mouse drag drop 鼠标 offsetangle relativepoint Unity3Dmouse2Ddraganddrop(Unity3D鼠标2D拖拽)**usingtheverygoodcoordinationmechanismofunity3dtoimplementthis,theOnMouseDowneventindicatesthatthemousehasbeenevaluatedbytheraytogettheobject.*whendragging,keeptheZaxisunchanged,becausethescreenisXYtwo-dimensiona...
RaycastHit hit; //DELATE THIS IF YOU WANT USE LASERS IN 2D var mousePos = Input.mousePosition; } private IEnumerator ShowFallVFX(GameObject o) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); Fall(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f); fall_vfx.Clear(); ...
Unity中的2D射线检测 unity射线检测条件 前言 碰撞检测可以帮助我们实现诸如抵达某个地点自动触发剧情、判断子弹是否击中玩家等功能,但我如果想要实现如当鼠标悬浮某个人物上,自动弹出该人物信息,要如何判断呢?这时使用碰撞检测,从摄像机生成一个透明碰撞体朝着人物移动,等碰撞到了人物再弹出该人物信息?会不会太繁琐了...