要求非常简单,2D的obj面朝制定obj。但是我用look at总是旋转x轴,有什么办法旋转z轴?重载什么的试了,并没有用处 lugtj55 Script 11 顶顶,unity吧没人么 第五轻柔 Project 14 自己算方向啊 mercurys123 Prefab 5 void mouse_shuru(){if (mouseroute) // 鼠标旋转开执行鼠标旋转player{Vector3 mouse...
MouseClick代码: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MouseClick : MonoBehaviour { void OnMouseDown () { rigidbody.AddForce(-transform.forward * 500f); rigidbody.useGravity = true; } } ():给物体对象施加了一个反作用力 19.GetComponent (如何使用GetComponent函数来处理其他脚本或...
unity2d 点击触发 unity点击ui 给UI添加点击事件 前言 思想 代码 使用 前言 这里我们所说的不是button.click = myClick 这种方式。而是通过继承点击事件接口,自己重写一个点击事件出来 这个的好处在于方便管理点击事件,方便添加移除点击事件。 思想 UI中一共分为渲染层,点击事件层,资源加载层。 首先我们需要一个点击...
Leap Motion - A computer hardware sensor device that supports hand and finger motions as input, analogous to a mouse, but requires no hand contact or touching. Leap Motion Core Assets - Unity Assets for Leap Motion v2 Skeletal Tracking. Project North Star - The open-source files comprising Le...
Unity中的2D射线检测 unity射线检测条件 前言 碰撞检测可以帮助我们实现诸如抵达某个地点自动触发剧情、判断子弹是否击中玩家等功能,但我如果想要实现如当鼠标悬浮某个人物上,自动弹出该人物信息,要如何判断呢?这时使用碰撞检测,从摄像机生成一个透明碰撞体朝着人物移动,等碰撞到了人物再弹出该人物信息?会不会太繁琐了...
In order to create a Texture2DArray asset, open the project window context menu via right-mouse click and choose "Create > Texture2DArray" from the menu. This will create a new Texture2DArray asset in the current directory. Once you created the asset, it's selected in the Inspector. ...
Game Play In a simple 2D game like this, the flow is pretty straightforward. The player starts. Gravity on the rigid body makes the player fall. There’s a collider on the player and on the platform, so the player stops. Keyboard, mouse, and touch input are read and moves the player...
EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(0); break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { // 按住 Shift 键后,可以加快旋转 scrollPosition -= current.delta * (float)((!current.shift) ? 1 : 3) / Mathf.Min(position.width, position.height) * 140f; ...
Download the latest version of Unity and get yourself a two-button mouse with a clickable scroll wheel. There’s a single download that can be licensed for free mode or pro. You can see the differences between the versions atunity3d.com/unity/licenses. The Editor, which is the main Unity...
Powerful controls: you can aim via the primary or secondary direction stick, or use the mouse to aim Upgradable weapons: gather weapon upgrades to improve your gun Laser sight: add a laser to your weapon to make each shot easier! Bouncy projectiles: have your projectiles bounce along surfaces...