While I draw circles with the mouse, it will do full rotations, but not consistently point to where the mouse is. I'm not sure as to why. The desired result is for the camera (child of player object) to follow the players movement and rotation, while the player moves with its movemen...
//Set lookDir to tempVector - tempVector2 lookDir = tempVector - tempVector2; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 是的,先得到屏幕中央坐标,然后把鼠标坐标(由于是俯视类游戏,y轴坐标变为z轴)减去中央坐标,接着: //Rotate player transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookDir); 1. ...
但是我用look at总是旋转x轴,有什么办法旋转z轴?重载什么的试了,并没有用处 lugtj55 Script 11 顶顶,unity吧没人么 第五轻柔 Project 14 自己算方向啊 mercurys123 Prefab 5 void mouse_shuru(){if (mouseroute) // 鼠标旋转开执行鼠标旋转player{Vector3 mouseCamposition = Vector3.zero; //...
I am making a top-down shooter in Unity, and did the "movement" and "look at mouse" scripts, and the player rotates normally to face the mouse, but then I applied a Vector2.Lerp to smooth the rotation a bit and now when the player's Z rotation (the game is being played o...
/* if (Target.GetComponent<NoLockiVew_Player>().State == NoLockiVew_Player.PlayerState.Walk) { Target.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, mX, 0)); }*/ } //鼠标滚轮缩放 Distance -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * ZoomSpeed; ...
playerPerson = GameObject.Find("Player/Person").GetComponent<Transform>(); } void LateUpdate () { float x = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); float y = -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); playerPerson.Rotate(Vector3.up, x, Space.Self); m_Transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, y, Space.Self); ...
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, lookAtPlayerLerpTime * Time.deltaTime); //实现相机平滑移动 } private void GetCameraControllerInput()//鼠标的输入 { yaw += _playerInput.cameraLook.x * mouseInputSpeed; ...
在输入器上,我们要绑定Delta[Mouse],也就是鼠标的移动变化量作为玩家的输入值,然后保存。 这里我们完成了Input System的设置。 接下来,我们来到场景中,通过GameObject->Cinemachine->Virtual Camera,创建一个Cinemachine的虚拟相机。 接下来我们创建Player这个Empty GameObject将CM vcam1放到这个Player中。
1、新建unity3d项目,在项目中导入CharacterController包。在游戏中创建Plane作为地面,把Plane的Tag设为Ground。创建Directional light照亮游戏世界。把第三人称控制器放到Plane上面,之后把挂载第三人称的脚本Remove掉,把它的Tag设为Player。 2、创建LookTargetPos脚本,把它挂载到第三人称控制器上。它的作用是当鼠标左键按...
是指在Unity游戏开发中,通过触摸屏幕来实现游戏角色或物体的控制和交互。移动触摸控制在移动设备上具有广泛的应用,可以提供更直观、灵活的游戏操作体验。 Unity提供了一系列的API和功能来支持移动...