Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); restart = false; } } } // called when this GameObject collides with GameObject2. void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { Debug.Log("GameObject1 collided with " + col.name); restart = true; timer = 0.0f; } } ...
This is useful when multiple colliders are used on the object passing through the platform and they all need to act together as a group. Surface Arc The angle of an arc centered on the local ‘up’ the defines the surface which doesn’t allow colliders to pass. Anything outside of ...
Bland Type:2D Simple Directional:所有被融合的动画⽅向不⼀致, Bland Type:2D Freedom Directional:相⽐第⼀个,需要⼀个没有⽅向的动画,允许一个方向上设置多个动作 Bland Type:2D Freedom Cartesian:随意融合 内容基本和一维融合树相同,区别在于有两个参数进行控制,图中的红点当前位置,后方的菱形表示中...
There are MeshRender and SpriteRender Components; Components for audio and camera functionality; physics-related Components (colliders and rigidbodies), particle systems, path-finding systems, third-party custom Components, and more. You use a script Component to assign code to an objec...
Collider的起点和终点不需要满足或完全包围一个区域来发挥作用(不像Polygon Collider 2D),并且可以形成一条直线或其他单边形状。 8.Composite Collider 2D 复合碰撞体 复合碰撞器2D组件是一个与2D物理系统交互的碰撞器。不像大多数碰撞器,它不定义一个固有的形状。相反,它会合并你设置使用的任何2D Box Collider或2D...
避免MeshCollider Prebake Collision Meshes 在FixedUpdate中使用 MovePosition或AddForce方法移动刚体,若直接修改Transform将导致物理世界重算,在复杂场景中会产生大量开销 Project Settings/Physics/Reuse Collision Callbacks 禁用物理模块 (禁用 Auto Simulation & Auto SyncTransforms) ...
MipMap 优化远处物体的表现效果,减少Cache Miss,减少带宽;适合3D的物体,对于2DUI没必要用 可以使用Texture Quality 选项修改 Mipmap的设置,减少加载进内存的Mipmap层数,可用于不同分级档位配置 Texture Streaming 略 网格 Read/Write选项 内存中会有两份数据,增加了一倍内存占用;需要开启的情况,开启了Mesh Collider,...
{{ message }} arimger / Unity-Editor-Toolbox Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 118 Star 1.7k Tools, custom attributes, drawers, hierarchy overlay, and other extensions for the Unity Editor. License...
Arcade Car Physics - Unity package for cars using wheel colliders. Unity Burst_Shape Matching - Parallelised 2D deformable bodies using the C# Job system, Unity's Burst compiler and GPU instancing. Unity3D PhysicsGun - Unity3D sample implementation of a Half-life 2 / Garry's mod/ Gmod Phy...
(2)遮挡物体:可以选择哪类物体(如果在画布前面的话)会对画布的射线检测进行遮挡从而屏蔽点击事件。可选物体类型如图所示:空、2D、3D、2D+3D。注意这里的物体类型是根据物体身上的碰撞体collider是2D还是3D来决定的,而不是物体自己是2D还是3D的。 (3)遮挡遮罩:和上一个类似,只是这里变成选择层级,勾选中的层级才会...