As with Unity, the cmock.c needs adding to the project and the project path needs to be setup to see cmock.h. To test the Go_To function, we need to create mocks for get_position, calc_drive and drive functions. These are contained in the headers sensor.h, filter.h and motor.h ...
它的缺点是缺乏高级功能,如地址空间隔离,或自动运行程序生成和测试集成。它与ThrowTheSwitch工具套件集成得很好,其中包括CMock、CException以及Ceedling。当一起使用时,Unity的简单性的许多缺点被减轻了。 Check check是另一个相对轻量级的C单元测试框架。与Unity不同,相反,它专注于安全和简单易用。它出名的主要原因是它...
I am using the Unity unit test framework in the IDF, and would like to provide fake data from hardware ports. (UART, SPI, GPIO, ADC, etc) Does any one have suggestions on how to write unit tests for functions that access ESP32 hardware? Has anyone used CMock, and have advice or ...
我从docker 镜像 throwtheswitch/madsciencelab 运行 Unity/Ceelding/CMock c unit-testing 1个回答 0投票 C 中的宏在构建时进行评估,因此如果设置了 function(),您的 a 将返回 MACRO_DEFINED,否则它将返回 -a。 这意味着您的其中一项测试将失败。 您可以使测试以宏为条件来解决这个问题。 如果需要...
Omitting a user-specified delta in a floating point assertion is both a shorthand convenience and a requirement of code generation conventions for CMock. TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_DOUBLE (expected, actual) Asserts that the actual value is NOT “close enough to be considered equal” to the expected ...
Cleaner handling of details tracking by CMock Unity 2.5.1 (May 2020) Mostly a bugfix and stability release. Bonus Features: Optional TEST_PRINTF macro Improve self-testing procedures. Unity 2.5.0 (October 2019) It's been a LONG time since the last release of Unity. Finally, here it is!
Omitting a user-specified delta in a floating point assertion is both a shorthand convenience and a requirement of code generation conventions for CMock. TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE_ARRAY (expected, actual, num_elements) See Array assertion section for details. Note that individual array element double...
Omitting a user-specified delta in a floating point assertion is both a shorthand convenience and a requirement of code generation conventions for CMock. TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_DOUBLE (expected, actual) Asserts that the actual value is NOT “close enough to be considered equal” to the expected ...
Cleaner handling of details tracking by CMock Unity 2.5.1 (May 2020) Mostly a bugfix and stability release. Bonus Features: Optional TEST_PRINTF macro Improve self-testing procedures. Unity 2.5.0 (October 2019) It's been a LONG time since the last release of Unity. Finally, here it is!