When you want to update pricing information on item cards, you can use theAdjust Item Costs/Pricesbatch job. With this function, you can update the following fields by using an adjustment factor: Unit Price Profit % Indirect Cost %
When you want to update pricing information on item cards, you can use theAdjust Item Costs/Pricesbatch job. With this function, you can update the following fields by using an adjustment factor: Unit Price Profit % Indirect Cost %
Item(项目) Unit Price(单价) Quantity(数量) notebook pen knifepencil- box eraser ¥9.5¥15¥2¥7.5¥1 23115 Subtotal (小计) ¥78.5 Tax (税金) ¥1.5 Total(总计) ¥80 Cashier (收银员):The total is ¥80.Tommy:OK.Here is ¥100.Cashier:Thanks.Here is your change (找零).Do you nee...
Quantity(数量)Item(项目)Unit Price(单价)2notebook$3.53pen$1.51knife$11pencil-box$2.55eraser$0.5Subtotal(小计)$17.5Tax(税金)$0.5Total$18Cashier(收银 ): The total is $ 18.Tommy: OK. Here is $ 20.Cashier: Thanks. Here is your change(找零). Do you need a bag?Tommy: Yes, please....
When you want to update pricing information on item cards, you can use the Adjust Item Costs/Prices batch job.With this function, you can update the following fields by using an adjustment factor:Unit Price Profit % Indirect Cost % Last Direct Cost Standard Cost ...
When you want to update pricing information on item cards, you can use theAdjust Item Costs/Pricesbatch job. With this function, you can update the following fields by using an adjustment factor: Unit Price Profit % Indirect Cost %
Task 2. In what kind of order are the gifts listed? ___(price)(礼物单依照什么顺序排列的?) Task 3. How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts?(最便宜和最贵的礼物是人民币多少钱?) 1. 20 tree seedlings, $5 (A...
B Quantity(数量)Item(物品)Unit price(单价)magazine$3.753pēn$0.501tape$1.251pencil case$2.501notebook$1.00Subtotal(小计)$10.00Tax(税)$0.50Total(合计)$10.50Seller: The total is $10.50. How will you pay?Mrs Green: Do you take credit cards(信用卡)?Seller: Sorry, I don't. Cash only(只收...
B Quantity(数量)Item(物品)Unit price(单价)1magazine$3.753pen$0.501tape$1.251pencil case$2.501notebook$1.00Subtotal(小计)$10.00Tax(税)$0.50Total(合计)$10.50Seller: The total is $10.50. How will you pay?Mrs Green: Do you take credit cards(信用卡)?Seller: Sorry, I don't. Cash only(只...
try on 试穿,试试看 [ˈtraɪɒn] fit vi.&vt.适合,合身 [fɪt] expensive adj.昂贵的 [ɪks'pensɪv] another det.&pron.别的;不同的;又一,另一 [ə'nʌðə] price n.价格,价钱 [praɪs] fit n.(尤指...