网络了解中国的崛起 网络释义 1. 了解中国的崛起 ... Martin Jacques ) 2010年在《了解中国的崛起》(Understanding The Rise of China)的演讲中,把中国发展的独特性放到了 …|基于5个网页
A couple of weeks ago, I was looking at the latest projection by BNP Paribas for when China will have a larger economy than the United States. Goldman Sachs projected 2027. The post-crisis projection is 2020. That's just a decade away. China is going to change the world in two fundamen...
原文网站 演讲简介:在多数中国人的印象里,西方对中国的态度往往被两种极端情绪主导:要么畏其崛起而恐惧乃至责骂诽谤,要么为功夫和熊猫而狂热得难以理解。鲜有能像马丁·杰克斯(Martin Jacques)那样的西方人从中国的历史本源与文...
Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China The world is changing with really remarkable speed. If you look at the chart at the top here, you’ll see that in 2025 these Goldman Sachs projections suggest that the Chinese economy will be almost the same size as the American economy. And...
Martin Jacques Understanding the rise of China TED演讲中文译文.pdf,马丁·杰克斯:直面中国的崛起 译者:Winnie Shi 校对:Tony Yet 原文网站/2011/02/13/martin_jacques_understanding_the_rise_of_china/ 演讲简介:在多数中国人的印象里,西方对中国的态度往往被两种
[TED]Understanding the rise of China_zh-cn+en 下载积分: 5 内容提示: [TED Talk] 马丁·雅克 Martin Jacques:了解中国的崛起 | Understanding the rise of China Martin Jacques | Martin Jacques, 2010 00:00:11 世界正在 The world is changing 00:00:13 以惊人的速度飞快得改变着。 with really ...
Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China The world is changing with really remarkable speed. If you look at the chart at the top here, you’ll see that in 2025 these Goldman Sachs projections suggest that the Chinese economy will be almost the same size as the American economy. And...
但在中国,政权的合法性不在于民主,而是作为文明的守护者(guardian of civilization)。中国人对政府的认识也很不同,认为政府是一家之长,与民众有密切的关系,而且先天就具有权威。中国相信市场,也开放经济,但这不与政府无所不在的权威相矛盾。这也是几百年来皇朝国家的心态遗留。京杭运河和三峡大坝,表现出的政府动员...
Speaking at a TED Salon in London, Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise? The author of "When China Rules the World," he examines why the West often puzzles over the growing power of the Chinese economy, a
Martin Jacques了解中国的崛起Understanding the Rise of China中英对照word文档良心出品上传人:a*** IP属地:天津 上传时间:2020-12-22 格式:DOC 页数:14 大小:1.13MB 积分:18 举报 版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩9页未读, 继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权...