Martin Jacques TED演讲:Understanding the rise of China了解中国的崛起 The world is changing with really remarkable speed. If you look at the chart at the top here, you'll see that in 2025, these Goldman Sachs projections suggest that the Chinese economy will be almost the same size as the ...
against the boundaries of modern China.Or immediately afterward, the Han Dynasty, still 2000 years ago, and you can see already it occupies most of what we now know as Eastern China which is where the vast majority of Chinese lived then and live now.首先是这个,中国事实上不是一个民族国家...
Browse: Home Media Archive TED Talk: Understanding the Rise of China This hugely successful TED talk in London has now had over 4 million views. Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise?
[TED]Understanding the rise of China_zh-cn+en 下载积分: 5 内容提示: [TED Talk] 马丁·雅克 Martin Jacques:了解中国的崛起 | Understanding the rise of China Martin Jacques | Martin Jacques, 2010 00:00:11 世界正在 The world is changing 00:00:13 以惊人的速度飞快得改变着。 with really ...
MartinJacques:UnderstandingtheriseofChina Aboutthistalk SpeakingataTEDSaloninLondon,economistMartinJacquesasks:HowdoweintheWestmake senseofChinaanditsphenomenalrise?Theauthorof"WhenChinaRulestheWorld,"heexamineswhythe WestoftenpuzzlesoverthegrowingpoweroftheChineseeconomy,andoffersthreebuildingblocksforun ...
原TED官网视频: 该视频也是一直在社交网站上很火的视频,演讲者主要从文化的角度分析了中国的崛起,由于西方人不了解中国的文化,所以西方人不了解中国的崛起,由于中国几千年来形成的独有的文化,也导致了中国的崛起必定与众不同。
yang lan: the generation thats remaking china the night before i was heading for scotland, i was invited to host the final of chinas got talent show in shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium.guess who was the performing guest?susan boyle.and i told her, im going to scot...
martin jacques的演讲:《understanding the rise of china》是最受中国观众欢迎的ted演讲之一,看看一位西方学者如何看待中华民族、主权、社会等等问题。5)创建多感官体验。要令人印象深刻?你不必刻意放一些触目惊心的图片。可以采用个人表演的方法,或者设计一两个让人意料之外的桥段。比如,比尔·盖茨有一次在他关于疟疾...
Give me five minutes to unpack this, and later this afternoon, when the next news story pops up for you about China doing this, or the US reacting like that, you will be able to have a better understanding of what...
Oct 2011 The generation that's remaking China Yang Lan 15:30 Jun 2009 How social media can make history Clay Shirky 17:58 Oct 2010 Global power shifts Joseph Nye 21:13 Jan 2011 Understanding the rise of China Martin Jacques 16:16 Dec 2008 The hunt for General Tso J...