In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development -- with some surprisingly good news -- snaps into sharp focus. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines.Watch...
In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development -- with some surprisingly good news -- snaps into sharp focus. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our cura...
3.And Im going to talk now about how world population has changed from that year and into the future. 现在我要谈谈 从那个年代到现在 世界人口是怎样变化的。 4.But I will not use digital technology as Ive done during my first five TEDTalks. 但是我不会像我上五次谈话那样 使用数码科技。 5...
With this lasercutted 'Bundle of Joy' for Maggie's we bring some joy and wish you: a merry Christmas and a fantastic new year! December 2017 Chair! Our exhibition 'Was ist Loos' in Kunsthalle Vienna is finished, but there are still nice stories to tell: Kunsthalle Wien Chair, made by...
HansRosling_2010X[汉斯.罗斯林][近十年来的好消息].pdf,TED 讲者 :Hans Rosling | 汉斯.罗斯林 讲标题 :Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade? | 近十年来的好消息? 内容概要 :In Hans Rosling.s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come
http://.ted/talks/hans_rosling_asia_s_rise_how_and_when.html Aboutthistalk HansRoslingwasayounggueststudentinIndiawhenhefirstrealized thatAsiahadallthecapacitiestoreclaimitsplaceastheworld's dominanteconomicforce.AtTEDIndia,hegraphsglobaleconomic growthsince1858andpredictstheexactdatethatIndiaandChinawill ...
TED_Hans Rosling on global population growth Clickonanyphrasetoplaythevideofromthatpoint. Istillrememberthedayinschoolwhenourteachertoldusthattheworldpopulationhadbecomethreebillionpeople,andthatwasin1960.I'mgoingtotalknowabouthowworldpopulationhaschangedfromthatyearandintothefuture,butIwillnotusedigital...
Ola Rosling and his daughter in law Anna Rosling Ronnlund, he founded the Gap Minder Foundation in 2005 to fight ignorance and encourage what he calls a more factful approach to life. Although this book, like his TED Talks, was written in his voice it is a collaboration between the three... About this talk Hans Rosling was a young guest student in India when he first realized that Asia had all the capacities to reclaim its place as the world's dominant economic force. At TED India, he graphs global econo...
TED_Hans Rosling on global population growth 热度: EFFICIENT GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION OF EXPENSIVE BLACK-BOX FUNCTIONS 热度: Factfulness(French) - Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Anna_4(优选) 热度: HansRosling:Globalpopulationgrowth,boxbybox,2010 Istillrememberthedayinschoolwhenourteachertoldusthattheworldpopulati...