Think and Share Teacher’s idea: I have worried a lot about the ice melting in North and South Pole, because we would lose our home due to a rise in global sea level. Think and Share Teacher’s idea: First, I think I would call on people to pay attention to protecting ...
Workingroups.Talkabout:·otherfestivalsofeachtype·otherreasonstocelebrateafestival DragonBoatFestivalcelebrationstakeplaceinChinaonthefifthdayofthefifthlunarmonth.TheyareheldinmemoryofQuYuan,apoetandstatesmaninAncientChina.ItwasthefirsttraditionalChinesefestivaladdedtoUNESCO’sListofIntangibleCulturalHeritage.Thanksgivi...
The Yao People in ChinaIt is one of the oldest minorities in China. Pre-reading Read the title and look at the pictures in the passage. Predict what the passage is mainly about.Longji Rice Terraces This is the place where the zhuang and yao people live.Have you been to this place?
I think it’s easy to find that the years from 2011 to 2017 witnessed a sharp rise in the sales made by online bookstores in China while there were slight ups and downs in the sales made by physical bookstores in China during the same period of time. So we can draw a conclusion ...