The term "digital transformation" has captured the attention of practitioners and academics over the past few years. However, while the term is increasingly being used, conceptual clarity is still needed, especially in the context of governmentGovernment and public organizationsPublic organizations. ...
[Huawei Technologies Series] Understanding Digital Transformation Through Industrial Internet Избранное №новости:ENEWS2000020126 Просмотры:269 Обновлено:2023-11-16 - Subscribe Industrial Internet The industrial Internet is a new ...
Digital transformation and IT-enabled transformation Having reviewed the literature on DT, we now turn to the question of the novelty of the phenomenon. The notion that IT carries transformative potential is not new and has long been acknowledged in the literature (Zuboff, 1988). In their study...
transformation. Introduction Inrecentyears,digitaltransformation(DT)hasemergedasanimportantphenomenoninstrategicISresearch(Bharadwajetal., 2013;Piccininietal.,2015a)aswellasforpractitioners(Fitzgeraldetal.,2014;Westermanetal.,2011).Atahighlevel,DT encompassestheprofoundchangestakingplaceinsocietyandindustriesthroughthe...
CanadaA R T I C L E I N F OKeywords:Digital transformationIS strategyLiterature reviewDigital technologiesOrganizational transformationDigital innovationA B S T R A C TExtant literature has increased our understanding of specif i c aspects of digital transformation,however we lack a comprehensive po...
Microsoft’s digital transformation is being fueled by rethinking traditional IT and business operations.Our Microsoft Digital Employee Experience (MDEE) team builds and operates the systems that run Microsoft, and as such, we’re leading the company’s internal digital transformation. We’re doing ...
Extant literature has increased our understanding of specific aspects of digital transformation, however we lack a comprehensive portrait of its nature and implications. Through a review of 282 works, we inductively build a framework of digital transformation articulated across eight building blocks. Our...
Governments around the world regard digital transformation (DT) as a strategic imperative to improve service performance, enhance customer experience, streamline operations, and create new business models (Curtis, 2019; Fitzgerald, Kruschwitz, Bonnet, & Welch, 2014). Examples of digital government ...
Definition of Digital Transformation: Leveraging digital technologies to profoundly change the way an enterprise functions and how it offers value to customers can be termed as digital transformation. It is disruptive shift to a digital-first mindset, where digital technologies form the c...
What Drives Digital Transformation? Businesses include various digital transformation solutions for many reasons. But the most likely reason is the survival issue. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability of companies to rapidly adapt to supply chain disruptions, changing customer expectations, and...