transformation. Introduction Inrecentyears,digitaltransformation(DT)hasemergedasanimportantphenomenoninstrategicISresearch(Bharadwajetal., 2013;Piccininietal.,2015a)aswellasforpractitioners(Fitzgeraldetal.,2014;Westermanetal.,2011).Atahighlevel,DT encompassestheprofoundchangestakingplaceinsocietyandindustriesthroughthe...
CanadaA R T I C L E I N F OKeywords:Digital transformationIS strategyLiterature reviewDigital technologiesOrganizational transformationDigital innovationA B S T R A C TExtant literature has increased our understanding of specif i c aspects of digital transformation,however we lack a comprehensive po...
Digital transformation and IT-enabled transformation Having reviewed the literature on DT, we now turn to the question of the novelty of the phenomenon. The notion that IT carries transformative potential is not new and has long been acknowledged in the literature (Zuboff, 1988). In their study...
数字经济,数据、工具及研究 Understanding the Digital Economy, Data, Tools, and Research 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 133阅读文档大小:4.23M408页regoner3上传于2012-11-21格式:PDF Understanding digital transformation A review and a research agenda
Extant literature has increased our understanding of specific aspects of digital transformation, however we lack a comprehensive portrait of its nature and implications. Through a review of 282 works, we inductively build a framework of digital transformation articulated across eight building blocks. Our...
[Huawei Technologies Series] Understanding Digital Transformation Through Industrial Internet Избранное №новости:ENEWS2000020126 Просмотры:269 Обновлено:2023-11-16 - Subscribe Industrial Internet The industrial Internet is a new ...
digital footprint. Improved security, which we’re seamlessly integrating into all parts of our digital transformation, is a component of every product we develop. Our strategy aligns around six core security pillars: device health, identity management, information protection, data and telemetry, risk...
Special Issue “Understanding Digital Transformation” PAPERS TYPE AND TOPICS Review and original papers are especially encouraged (but not limited to) on the following topics related to Digital Transformation: -Models of Digital Transformation: Models as architectures, ontologies, conceptual frameworks and...
Digital transformation is the integration process ofdigital transformation technologiesin businesses. It helps the business become more competitive and offers value to the customers. It is different from the implementation of digital technologies in the business as it demands culture and innovation cha...
Understanding the challenges of digital transformation While some companies have been working on optimisation for a long time and will be quite advanced, others may not. It will vary depending on the industry sector and across different marketing activities. I recommend that a good starting point is...