Episode 41: Building blocks for digital transformation Ashleigh Sinclair, Managing Associate at Linklaters and Andrew Cooke, Global Policy Lead at Microsoft share insights from their paper on Building Blocks for a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy. Read more on Episode 41 Episode 8: Scaling Dig...
In line with previous findings on IT-enabled transformation, research has shown that technology itself is only part of the complex puzzle that must be solved for organizations to remain competitive in a digital world. Strategy (Bharadwaj et al., 2013, Matt et al., 2015) as well as changes ...
CanadaA R T I C L E I N F OKeywords:Digital transformationIS strategyLiterature reviewDigital technologiesOrganizational transformationDigital innovationA B S T R A C TExtant literature has increased our understanding of specif i c aspects of digital transformation,however we lack a comprehensive po...
Explore the common challenges that organizations face in their digital transformation journey, such as cultural shifts, legacy systems, and skill gaps. Learn from real-world examples and gain insights into overcoming these hurdles. Dive into developing a comprehensive digital strategy, which includes det...
[Huawei Technologies Series] Understanding Digital Transformation Through Industrial Internet Избранное №новости:ENEWS2000020126 Просмотры:269 Обновлено:2023-11-16 - Subscribe Industrial Internet The industrial Internet is a new ...
The term "digital transformation" has captured the attention of practitioners and academics over the past few years. However, while the term is increasingly being used, conceptual clarity is still needed, especially in the context of governmentGovernment and public organizationsPublic organizations. ...
Improved security, which we’re seamlessly integrating into all parts of our digital transformation, is a component of every product we develop. Our strategy aligns around six core security pillars: device health, identity management, information protection, data and telemetry, risk management, and ...
Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy Towards Digital Transformation: A Research Agenda In the past decade, current literature and businesses have drawn attention to Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and in particular to the advances in machine learning techniques. Nevertheless, while the AI techn...
findingsonIT-enabledtransformation,researchhasshownthattechnologyitselfisonlypartofthecomplexpuzzlethatmustbe solvedfororganizationstoremaincompetitiveinadigitalworld.Strategy(Bharadwajetal.,2013;Mattetal.,2015)aswellas changestoanorganization,includingitsstructure(SelanderandJarvenpaa,2016),processes(Carloetal.,20...
The above 10 are the most common digital transformation technologies that help businesses to achieve success. But it is never about implementing a single technology to achieve success. The power of each of these technologies is how they will fit into the strategy of the company and work t...