Unable to connect to Home Assistant.nginx 增加如下配置 http { map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } } server{ #解决HomeAssistant无法连接问题 proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; } 标签: HomeAssistant 0 0 ...
For me the problem was also Nginx and not Home-Assistant. But the problem was easily solved by checking the box websockets when creating or changing a proxy host in Nginx. If you are running Nginx Proxy Manager, be sure to select this: 👍6🚀3 micahmo commentedon Mar 27, 2021 micah...
使用群晖 Docker 部署的 Home Assistant,设置好反向代理,输入网址后可以正常打开登录界面,密码输入错误也能正确提示,但输入正确密码,到了加载数据界面时,就提示“Unable to connect to Home Assistant.”错误,无法正常登陆。点击重试后,还是会这样提示。 解决方法 需要在自定义标题添加 WebSocket 和 Host、X...
I am using NGinx as reverse proxy in front of Home Assistant to automate the update of the certs. When I now try to access the system from various places, I can not. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2024.9.3 What was the last working version of Home Assistant ...
I am unable to connect to the shell from the proxmox web-page. Error below: TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/termproxy 5900 --path /nodes/proxmox --perm...
version:'3'services:homeassistant:container_name:homeassistantimage:"ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable"restart:unless-stoppednetwork_mode:hostnetworks: -captain-overlay-networknetworks:captain-overlay-network:external:true Deploy a Caprover Nginx reverse proxy container pointing tohttp://homeassi...
Install, config and start NGINX SSL-Proxy addon (make sure to use the FQDN). Note that I'm running on default port 443 Connect to your instance via https:// (otherwise you'll get an error 'casting requires https') Grant access viahttps://cast.home-assistant.io/ ...
Hello, Since upgrading to version 2024.12 on my IPhone, I can no longer access the Home Assistant dashboard. I can authenticate with the external address but as soon as I'm logged in, it only displays the loading image. When I switch to ...
Describe the issue you are experiencing I have a keyboard and small monitor plugged into the NUC on which I run Home Assistant OS (that way I can directly use the CLI in the event I have a networking issue). Unfortunately there seems to ...
I am able to access the SMB share, on \homeassistant. I can see that the HA log is being written to, but not with any clues regarding the inability for web clients to connect. So I am now effectivly locked out of my HA console. ...