public final class ActivityThread { ... public static final void main(String[] args) { SamplingProfilerIntegration.start(); Process.setArgV0(""); Looper.prepareMainLooper(); if (sMainThreadHandler == null) { sMainThreadHandler = new Handler(); } ActivityThread thread = new ActivityThread()...
You must add the following section to your Home Assistant configuration.yaml. If the http section is using the ssl_certificate, ssl_key or server_port keys, make sure to remove them. http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted_proxies: - In the nginx addon configuration, change...
然后在nginx中配置 location / { proxy_pass; #( 这里填写实际访问homeassistant地址) proxy_set_header Host $host; } location /api/websocket { proxy_pass; #( 这里填写实际访问homeassistant地址...
Nginx是一个高性能的HTTP和反向代理web服务器,它也经常被用作负载均衡器和缓存。为了使用SSL,你需要有一个SSL证书,这可以通过Let's Encrypt等免费服务获取。 2. 掌握Home Assistant的网络配置 Home Assistant是一个开源的家庭自动化平台,它允许你控制家中的智能设备。在配置Nginx作为Home Assistant的SSL代理之前,你需...
I enabled the Nginx addon and it's working with my own custom cert over HTTPS, however, I am not quite clear on how to configure Nginx to forward the real IP to Home Assistant. I tried putting the config lines in a .conf in the share path as well as putting it in a nginx_proxy...
简介:HomeAssistant默认使用8123端口,带端口访问既不美观也不方便。通过宝塔Nginx默认反代配置会出现各种意外错误,本文将通过修改HomeAssistant与反代配置解决该问题。 前言 实现了HTTPS访问、隐藏端口号。 Homeassistant安装在Docker 遇到的问题 在宝塔设置反向代理后直接访问报错:400: Bad Request ...
Hello, this article will be a step-by-step tutorial of how to setup secure Home Assistant remote access using NGINX reverse proxy & DuckDNS.
本文主要是基于以上链接进行整理实操记录一下过程,希望有网友会用到吧 本文所使用的设备为PDD购买扩容64...
[业界动态] HomeAssistant语音唤醒硬件开箱演示,ESP32-S3-BOX-3B ...23 25989406 2024-7-3 274688 aning19951103 2025-2-18 16:30 [技术探讨] tplink的摄像头在ha里怎么检测到人拍照? ...2 bugensui 2025-2-17 12612 DDDear 2025-2-18 15:05 [基础教程] 博联BroadLink RM PRO RF CODE(射频码)...
remove addon build_from 3年前 nginx_proxy remove addon build_from 3年前 rpc_shutdown Fix config style for new Supervisor/Hardware (#1825) 4年前 samba remove addon build_from 3年前 ssh remove addon build_from ...