Updated mosquitto ACL docs with note about homeassistant user (#2421) … jabelone and mdegat01 committed 25 days ago f899885 Fix deCONZ/Phoscon Ingress access when using FQDN (#2325) … tannyl committed 25 days ago 3d7bc63 Use HA wheels during build (#2449) … mdegat01 comm...
This repository contains the Kubernetes manifests for my 3 Node K3s Kubernetes cluster at home. - Ingress-Nginx: Allow server-snippets · itz-Jana/flux-home@238297d
首先从https://gist.github.com/balloob/580deaf8c3fc76948559c5963ed4d436下载panel-redirect.js 将这个js文件放到/usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/www目录下 在configuration.yaml中配置想要的侧边栏,举例如下 panel_custom: - name: panel-redirect url_path: redirect-server-controls sidebar_title: 服务控制 si...
System: HassOS 4.15 (amd64 / qemux86-64)Home Assistant Core: 0.117.5Home Assistant ...
Nginx-ingress 是 Kubernetes 生态中的重要成员,主要负责向外暴露服务,同时提供负载均衡等附加功能; Ingress 公开了从集群外部到集群内服务的 HTTP 和 HTTPS 路由。 流量路由由 Ingress 资源上定义的规则控制。 使用Ingress的好处: 端口管理。减少不必要端口暴露,便于管理。
在ingress-nginx中发现一个安全问题,可以创建或更新ingress对象的用户可以使用Ingress对象中的.metadata.annotations(在networking.k8s.io或extensionsAPI组中)来获取ingress-nginx控制器的凭证。在默认配置中,该凭证可以访问集群中的所有secrets。 该问题已被评为高等级(CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/...
NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy Sets up an SSL proxy with NGINX and redirects traffic from port 80 to 443. RPC Shutdown Shutdown Windows machines remotely. Samba share Share your configuration over the network using Windows file sharing. SSH server Allow logging in remotely to Home Assistant usin...
Home Assistant Add-on: SSH server Allow logging in remotely to Home Assistant using SSH or just the web terminal with Ingress. About Setting up an SSH server allows access to your Home Assistant folders with any SSH client. It also includes a command-line tool to access the Home Assistant ...
我想改变client_max_body_size的值,这样我的nginx ingress就不会返回413错误。 我已经测试了几个解决方案。 这里是我的测试的configMap: kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 data: proxy-connect-timeout:"15"proxy-read-timeout:"600"proxy-send-timeout:"600"proxy-body-size:"8m"hsts-include-subdomains:"false...
2022年6月11号,上午12点09,发现 Ingress-nginx path问题描述在ingress-nginx中发现一个安全问题,可以创建或更新ingress对象的用户可以使用换行符绕过Ingress对象(在networking.k8s.io或extensionsAPI组中)的spec.rules[].http.paths[].path字段的消毒,以获