proxy_set_header Host $host; } location /api/websocket { proxy_pass; #( 这里填写实际访问homeassistant地址) proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "up...
NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy 点击install等待完成后进入 Configuration 稍稍设置下 进入路由器网络设置里...
location /dsm { proxy_pass https://192.168.0.XXX:5001; proxy_set_header Host$host;...
Nginx Proxy Manager是一个管理 Nginx 和 Let‘s Encrypt 的Docker容器,而 Nginx 就是一个免费、开源的,高性能的HTTP和反向代理服务器。所以在 Nginx Proxy Manager 中进行反向代理的设置,其实都是设置的 Nginx 配置文件 安装 打开群晖的【Container Manager】,搜索nginx-proxy-manager,点击jc21/nginx-proxy-manager...
The update to version 3.10.1 of the NGINX proxy introduces a significant enhancement by making thereal_ip_fromconfiguration directive optional. This change streamlines the setup process, allowing users to omit this directive without encountering errors. Consequently, this version improves user flexibility...
Find the "NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy" add-on and click it.Click on the "INSTALL" button.How to useThe NGINX Proxy add-on is commonly used in conjunction with the Duck DNS and/or the Let's Encrypt add-on to set up secure remote access to your Home Assistant instance. The ...
Home-Assistant方面的设置 获取反向代理源IP 直接访问https://[域名]或者http://[域名] 用ip或者http://[域名]:8123登录Home-Assistant 进入配置>日志,查看日志。 不出意外会有报错,大概如下: ReceivedX-Forwarded-Forheaderfroman untrusted proxy172.17.0.1 ...
设置同一个域名内外网分别访问对应的ip 搞了HomeAssistant的外网访问后,内外网访问需要不同的地址,导致一些不必要的麻烦。通过host+nginx配置可以实现同一个...
Hello, this article will be a step-by-step tutorial of how to setup secure Home Assistant remote access using NGINX reverse proxy & DuckDNS.
即便是DSM6.1.7也不再有 『HomeAssistant设置https访问后的问题』一文中的情况,只要简单勾选Websockets support即可,而不需要各种修改 速度快,也许只是心理感觉 参考文档 Nginx Proxy Manager 地址: jc21/nginx-proxy-manager: Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a...