#Set NginxCacheadd_headerCache-Controlno-cache; } #PROXY-END/ Home-Assistant方面的设置 获取反向代理源IP 直接访问https://[域名]或者http://[域名] 用ip或者http://[域名]:8123登录Home-Assistant 进入配置>日志,查看日志。 不出意外会有报错,大概如下: ReceivedX-Forwarded-Forheaderfroman untrusted...
Back to the requirements for our Home Assistant remote access using NGINX reverse proxy & DuckDNS project. The next and final requirement is: access to your router interface as we will do one quick port forward rule, but more on that later, because now we will continue with DuckDNS domain ...
192.168.1.y 为 reverse proxy 在本地网络中的地址,通常使用 80/443 等常见的 http/https 端口,它通常使用 nginx 来实现,它可以与 HA server 共用一台主机(x=y) my.domain.com 需要被替换为实际注册的域名 域名与 HTTPS 没有人会长时间记得自家路由器的公网地址(如果你记得,那么恭喜你对数字格外的敏感),...
9 直接浏览器访问刚才填写的域名,如果配置正常就可以直接出现登录界面,说明配置正常,可以到Nginx Proxy Manager中开启SSL证书配置了。如果访问时出现【400: Bad Request】错误提示,需要在Home Assistant设置中开启反向代功能并设置白名单。 10 在Home Assistant的配置中设置启用反代功能,并设置IP白名单功能步骤如下...
关于“架构设计与实现-High-level design”篇章里,云上部分的实现重点是-Nginx Reverse Proxy,依据策略,部分流量在“云本地”处理,部分流量通过FRP转发到‘Homelab’另一个本地。 请输入图片描述 依据上图,云上主机部署如下应用: Typecho博客,LNMP方式部署在宿主机上 Wordpress博客,通过Docker部署 FRP server,通过Doc...
1. 背景 使用https将本地的HomeAssistant服务转发到公网上,实现远程https和无端口访问。当然也可以转发任意其他服务。 阿里云ECS Ubuntu...
I am using NGinx as reverse proxy in front of Home Assistant to automate the update of the certs. When I now try to access the system from various places, I can not. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2024.9.3 ...
Home assistant is now starting so fast that the nginx reverse proxy add-on is not yet available when telegram tries to reach my instance. The telegram_bot integration depends on the http component, but that component only starts the internal URL, and not the addon that makes home assistant ...
来源:群晖自带nginx反代hass方法 - 『HomeAssistant』综合讨论区 - 『瀚思彼岸』» 智能家居技术论坛 - Powered by Discuz! (hassbian.com) 添加如下代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;proxy_set_header Connection"upgrade";proxy_read_timeout86400; ...