Same problem as here :#74973. I use nzbget behind a reverse proxy (npm) with ssl and I got an error when I try to configure integration What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2024.11.3 What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? No response What type o...
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_pass https://home.lan:8123; proxy_read_timeout 90; proxy_redirect https://home-assistant.home https://home.lan:8123; } } nginx error logs: ...
homeassistant配置目录在哪? Windows用户: %APPDATA%\.homeassistant Linux-based用户: 可以通过执行locate .homeassistant/configuration.yaml命令,查找到的.homeassistant文件夹就是配置目录。 群晖Docker用户: 进入Docker - 映像 - homeassistant - 高级设置 - 卷, /config对应的路径就是配置目录 【HA中配置实例】 ...
VPN Server – How to Access Home Assistant Remotely OpenVPN – How to Access Home Assistant Remotely WireGuard – How to Access Home Assistant Remotely Tailscale – How to Access Home Assistant Remotely Reverse Proxy – How to Access Home Assistant Remotely Reverse Proxy Port Forwarding – How to...
Hello, this article will be a step-by-step tutorial of how to setup secure Home Assistant remote access using NGINX reverse proxy & DuckDNS.
Suppose you have already used my SynologyWildcard guideto getHome Assistantto work over HTTPS. And today, following the latest Home Assistant update, you’ve found that you can no longer get Reverse Proxy for Home Assistant to work. If you are getting a400: Bad Requesterror when you try to...
In my testing, I could never get some docker containers (eg. Home Assistant, UniFi Controller, NextCloud, and Plex) to work as a subdirectory (even on my own private domain name) behind Traefik reverse proxy. In such situations, you will be left with creating multiple dynamic DNS subdomains...
项目地址:GitHub - fatedier/frp: A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind ...
Another secure way to access Frigate NVR is to put it behind a reverse proxy. But this requires a domain name or a DDNS. Nginx Proxy Manageris very simple to setup but not very flexible. We use and recommend Traefik. You can read all about setting it up in Anand'sDocker Traefik guide...
The problem I have been using HA without problems with reverse proxy (NGINX) until HA version 2024.10.4. My surprise is that from version 2024.11.0B1 the reverse proxy does not work well with HA. The connection with HA has random cuts bo...