The project was created from an NXP example project (VNIC) on Windows. It was pushed to GitHub then cloned to a Mac. Changing the toolchain path in
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer$1.configure( java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:1) No implementation for org.apache.maven.model.path.PathTranslator was bound. while loc...
Open Web IDE via dropdown on file preview at github Pass all steps of 1st tool run (theme, shortcuts, etc - use all defaults with theme dark+) Try to open any file Result: Unable to resolve resource vscode-vfs://github%2B7b2276223a312c22726566223a7b2274797065223a362c226964223a226d61696e...
Yes, that seems to be the issue. If I add the new project to the solution and restart VScode (or Language Server), everything gets loaded and I can test/debug the new test project. It seems I missed something - when I started using VScode, I could read everywhere that.slnfiles were ...
某一天Pycharm升级到2024.3后无法运行,提示要更新binutils到v2.30,更新后VSCode调试C++代码时会出现大量警告(直接运行程序不会有该问题): BFD: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/3d/d0d437484db11c9d9f4e53cc880f264ebaf1da.debug: unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_aranges 问题原因 binutils...
本文首发于Ficow Shen's Blog,原文地址:iOS模拟器 Unable to boot the Simulator —— Ficow笔记。 内容概览 前言 终结模拟器进程 命令行改权限 清除模拟器缓存 总结 前言 iOS模拟器和Xcode一样不靠谱,问题也不少。😂 那就有病治病,然后把疗法记下来~ ...
If it is possible I also do not know how to configure the VSCode IDE and project in order to do Debug properly... Here is what I tried : 1) Open the main file of my example in the project explorer : "blink_example_main.c" ...
{"cookie":"","inReplyTo":"configure","message":"CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to \"Ninja\". CMAKE\_MAKE\_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.","title":"Error","type":"message"} ...
I am new with the ESP and i am trying to work with VSCode and use the debugger, the setup is: - ESP32-S3 -DevKitC1 - espressif-idf ver 1.4 - IDF 4.4 - blink example I'm working by the documentation and the YouTube guide as reference (