I am unable to open a gradle project in VS Code without the below error message occurring. It prevents the java imports from processing properly, as it says they cannot be found. [Error - 6:14:53 PM] Feb 11, 2020 6:14:53 PM Failed to configure project extension-project-starter Cannot...
cmake 构建时出现 下面错误 [rollbar] Unhandledexception:Unhandled Promise rejection:buildError:Build failed:Unabletoconfigure the project {} 原因: cmake 的路径错误(因为我的cmake是直接下载的可执行程序) 解决方法: 在设置中指定 cmake的路径 配合gdbserver 远程调试开发板环境构建 环境准备 交叉编译好的gdb...
I had the same problem, was foolishly trying to use new software likearduino-cliand alternatively the new Arduino IDE 2.x. But both didn't work, however by installing Arduino IDE 1.8 and removing the arduino settings both from the project and user settings before trying again resulted in an...
快捷键ctrl+shift+p打开命令面板,输入language,选择"Configure Display Language",然后点击"zh-cn",软件重启之后便切换至中文界面。 下载并编译APM 1.下载代码 在你的工程目录下打开终端,克隆代码到本地 git clone https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot 进入代码目录 cd ardupilot 更新子模块 git submodule updat...
"cmake.configureSettings": { "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE" : "C:/Users/Administrator/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake", "VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET": "x64-windows-static" } 在你项目根目录下,创建 vcpkg.json 并填写[3],才能让 vcpkg 运作,这一步查阅了很多教程文章都没有细说。。。
{"cmake.configureSettings": {"CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE":"D:/_programming/_repos/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake","VCPKG_BUILD":"ON", } } Then I created avcpkg.jsonfile in my Supertux-Project-Folder and inserted the necessary libraries: ...
I'm debugging a project in VSCode using msvc. When I run the debugger, VSCode asks me to choose an environment and I choose the "C++ (Windows)" option: Then it asks me to select a configuration: I choose the "cl.exe build and debug active file". Everything runs correctly and it cr...
在vscode中,为了方便开发,需要安装插件C/C++、C/C++ Project Generator。 本文配置环境是在windows10系统。 1. 配置编译环境 1.1 配置编译器环境 windows 需安装 MinGW中的gcc、g++以及gdb编译调试器。MinGW压缩包的下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vEJ40u0e-4etli2sb3y3Kg 提取码:k0rz。(up主文档大嫖客提...
"configure" ] }, { "label":"build-release", "type":"shell", "command":"cmake -S . -B cmake-build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build cmake-build-release", "dependsOn":[ "configure" ] }, { "label":"clean", ...
当我们写完 ionic 项目准备打包成 apk 时(比如执行 ionic cordova platform add android 或者 ionic ...