If no levels or direction is set, folds the region at the locations or if already collapsed, the first uncollapsed parent instead. `, constraint: foldingArgumentsConstraint, schema: { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'levels': { 'type': 'number', }, 'direction': { 'type': 'string...
I have since changed the value of python.defaultInterpreterPath to backend/venv/bin/python and the virtual environment is now being detected and I have changed the interpreter path to use it. However, this has made no difference to test discovery. Additionally, I'd like to add that as a ...
Share the issue in other project-related forums, discussion groups, or communities to allow more people to comment and provide suggestions. As for the idea of giving Microsoft employees GPT-PLUS memberships, while it sounds interesting, there is currently no evidence to suggest that doing ...
enhancement - no need to publish diagnostics in BuildWorkspaceHandler. See JLS#1282. bug fix - warn about sensible java preferences in project settings. See #1154 and #1160. bug fix - update problems when changing the name of the package folder. See #1283.0.53...
"git.detectSubmodules": true, // Controls the limit of git submodules detected. "git.detectSubmodulesLimit": 10, // Enables commit signing with GPG or X.509. "git.enableCommitSigning": false, // Whether git is enabled. "git.enabled": true, // Commit all changes when there are no ...
The check applies to known functions (for example, those in package fmt) as well as any detected wrappers of known functions. A function that wants to avail itself of printf checking but is not found by this analyzer's heuristics (for example, due to use of dynamic calls) can insert a...
Defer or Change Run Mode: If the project has not yet ready to run jest, you can use this action to defer the test run or change the runMode to on-demand mode. This action brings up a runMode chooser to continue. Disable Extension: If you do not intend to run jest for this folder...
A power switch is added to turn on and turn off the device completely, it’s not recommended to have this, but the power optimization for this project isn't great yet! so we'll go with using the switch. Place the switch right next to the haptic, and solder the switch between the li...
AGoh2019 Type:Bug Error message - Unable to activate CppCheck analyzer Unable to activate Clang Check analyzer Unable to activate Flexelint analyzer Pls install clang or check configuration 'clang.executable'. - Any work arounds? VS Code also points to a wrong range of project files that have...
The upstream issue is projectlombok/lombok#3706 . luccahuguet commented Oct 28, 2024 with v1.35.1 I had this same bug but downgrading to v1.32.0 worked for me And better yet, downgrading to v1.34.0 also worked for me I am currently using this version of java java --version openjdk...