tabular-dataabidedatasetphenotypicdata-dictionaryphenotypedatasetsbidsabcdukbtabularhcpukbiobankabide-dataukbbpnchbnabcd-studynki UpdatedAug 1, 2023 Python Create binary traits for UKbio using ICD/OPER/medication/self reports/age of diagnosis/visit-dates etc). The current output includes variables on histo...
This analysis was conducted through a stacking ensemble learning model by combining five different ML algorithms with 58 predictor variables using nested five-fold cross-validation with repetitions based on the UK Biobank data. Performance of the model was assessed through prediction accuracy, area ...
Dimensionality reduction is a common task in many domains, with a recent proliferation of methods having been applied to biobank-scale data. Principal component analysis (PCA), for example, provides a lower-dimensional representation of the strongest axes of variation in a dataset. It has been lev...
Telomeres protect chromosome ends from damage and their length is linked with human disease and aging. We developed a joint telomere length metric, combining quantitative PCR and whole-genome sequencing measurements from 462,666 UK Biobank participants.