泛英銀行產生的GWAS結果數據不受限制,根據《創意下議院屬性 4.0 國際》(CC BY 4.0)。 小組會要求您確認並給予 Pan-UKB 專案和 UK Biobank 的屬性,並盡可能連結回相關頁面。 您可以在這裡找到完整的使用規定 連絡人 如需數據集的問題,請與我們連絡: ukb.diverse.gwas@gmail.com ...
如果你的UK Biobank项目申请Proposal已经成功获批,那么接下来就进入到了数据下载和使用阶段。UKB目前与AMS和DNAnexus合作,建立了 云计算平台Research Analysis Platform(简称RAP,地址:https://ukbiobank.dnan…
The UK Biobank is a resource that includes detailed health-related and genetic data on about 500,000 individuals and is available to the research community. ukbtools removes all the upfront data wrangling required to get a single dataset for statistical analysis, and provides tools to assist in...
UK Biobank 数据库是英国一家开放的数据库平台,无论高校还是公司都有申请资格,其中涉及多种疾病类型,可以对你感兴趣的数据进行深入挖掘或做一个回顾性研究。 在2007 年至 2010 年期间,UK Biobank 数据库建立的22 个评估中心对志愿者进行招募,其中 ...
Using magnetic resonance images from the UK Biobank dataset, we create six whole-body atlases representing a healthy population average. We furthermore unbias them, and this way obtain a realistic representation of the population. In addition to the anatomical atlases, we generate probabilistic ...
“UK Biobank’s proteomic dataset has the potential to enable more powerful biomarker discovery, more accurate disease prediction, and more successful drug development. Analysing samples from two time points in the same volunteer will allow us to examine how protein levels change across ...
访问ukbiobank.dnanexus.com/...网址,创建新账户,并将UKB中的AMS账号关联起来。登录RAP系统 使用账户进行登录。建立项目 在RAP系统中,点击PROJECTS选项卡,选择右上角的+ New Project按钮。填写项目名称(如使用"demo1"),申请ID、账单信息等信息,然后点击Create Project创建项目。在创建项目后,系统...
For this, we mostly rely on secondary analyses of data derived from the UK Biobank dataset, which is a unique resource that enables researchers to examine genetic effects on human brain development and disease23,27,28. The specific objectives of this study are: i. to explore the genetic ...
UK Biobank is an open access resource. Bona fide researchers can apply to use the UK Biobank dataset by registering and applying at http://ukbiobank.ac.uk/register-apply/.Abbreviations BMI: Body mass index CI: Confidence interval ENMO: Euclidean norm minus one fPCA: Functional principal ...
we employ a three-challenge approach to extract useful information from the UK Biobank, like deriving prediction models detecting the presence and tracking the progression of depression and other mental illness. The first challenge was to reduce the dimension of the dataset and identify salient feature...