应读者要求,本次推送介绍如何从RAP系统中直接下载UKB原始影像数据(UKB Imaging Data)。 Research Analysis Platform(简称RAP,地址:ukbiobank.dnanexus.com/)是UKB与AMS和DNAnexus合作推出的云计算平台,功能强大,是未来数据分析和计算的趋势。 【注意1】UKB影像数据下载使用前提:具备UKB Tier 3数据权限(9000英镑档)。
Data-Field是非常重要的编号,在确定选取的数据后,它的编号,是后面要提取数据的唯一编号。除了搜索Data-Field外,UKB网站还能搜索大类的搜索条件,例如选中Category后,在搜索窗口中搜索lifestyle,可以看到两个大类Lifestyle和Lifestyle and environment,点进去又有很多小类的关于lifestyle的数据,这个功能对我们搜索成系统一...
UK Biobank Showcase用户指南 UKB虽然含有上述介绍的丰富的数据,但是该如何寻找我们感兴趣的数据集呢?在这里主要介绍两种方法解决这个问题。 第一种方法是通过UKB官方网站进入Data Showcase,点击Browse,根据数据项的层次类别和子类别中来查找感兴趣的数据项。这种方法...
在RAP系统中,用户需登录并进入目标Project,找到Bulk文件夹,按照Brain MRI、Heart MRI、Whole Body DXA等类别查找数据。以提取Brain MRI影像数据为例,用户需进入dMRI子文件夹,文件命名格式为7位数字_5位数字_1位数字_1位数字,其中7位数字代表个体的eid,5位数字是Data Field ID。用户随意选择一个...
【注意3】基因数据等特殊类型数据在RAP中属于Bulk Data,不在本教程讨论范畴中。 1、注册RAP账号 打开https://ukbiobank.dnanexus.com/landing网站,新建账号(CREATE AN ACCOUNT)并关联UKB中的AMS账号。 2、登录RAP系统 注册成功后,每次使用选择LOG IN选项以登录RAP系统。
Data availability Data are available in a public, open access repository. This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource under Application Number 44430. The UK Biobank data are available on application to the UK Biobank (www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/) with access fees.Source dataare pro...
The descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) of each measure were extracted from the UK biobank’s showcase (https://biobank.ndph.ox.ac.uk/showcase/) searching for their data field ID (UKB_ID in Table S1). The descriptive statistics from “Instance 2: Imaging visit (2014+)”...
The docs flag creates an html file containing a field-code-to-description table (among others). + Note. Full details of the data download and decrypt process are given in the Using UK Biobank Data documentation . Updated versions of these helper programs exist. Other than small name changes ...
The primary outcome was incident all-cause dementia (termed dementia throughout the manuscript) which was provided by UK Biobank as an algorithmically-defined outcome, i.e., date of all-cause dementia report (data field 42,018) [27]. Follow-up time was defined as the period from the first...
This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource (application no. 10625). This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the National Health Service (NHS) as part of their care and support. Computation used the Biomedical Research Computing facility, a joint development ...