登陆UK Biobank 官方网站(https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/),进入网站后选择「Research login」。 图片来源:网页截图 点击进入 UK Biobank 的「Research login」,即可进入可转至 UK Biobank Access Management System 登录注册页面「AMS Login」。 图片来源:网页截图 在AMS Login 页面中,点击「Sign up to access UK...
研究者可以根据UK Biobank官网的指导(http://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/uk-biobank-access-management-system-ams-user-guide-getting-started/)申请数据下载,审核通过后即可下载全部50个样品数据。 UK Biobank是全球具有重要影响力的人类遗传队列项目,对世界卫生健康研究有诸多开创性的意义。对满足UKB质量要求的数据进行公开...
但如果结合最近《中美科技合作协定》磕磕绊绊的续签就知道,中美科技脱钩可能会愈演愈烈。 如果要做最坏的打算,那么试想今后PubMed、UK Biobank、TCGA 还有GEO这些数据库都不能用了,不但有许多本来就过得苦哈哈的研究生毕不了业,中国...
「如果PubMed、UK Biobank、TCGA 等数据库被禁用」中美科技脱钩,国内生物科研要被卡脖子了吗? 中美科技战终于打到了生物领域。 2月28日,美国白宫发布消息称,拜登正式签署了《关于防止关注国家获取美国公民大量敏感个人数据和美国政府相关数据的行政命令》(Executive Order on Preventing Access to Americans’Bulk Sensit...
Accessing phenotypic data on the UK Biobank Research Analyses Platform The A-series (Accessing Data) notebooks found in this repository focus on performing basic operations to access and examine UKB phenotypic data. These give an overview of how to link and manipulate the phenotypic databases on the...
bioinformaticsgwasukbiobankmulti-phenotype-imputation UpdatedAug 9, 2024 dnanexus/UKB_RAP Star116 Code Issues Pull requests Access share reviewed code & Jupyter Notebooks for use on the UK Biobank (UKBB) Research Application Platform. Includes resources from DNAnexus webinars, online trainings and work...
Data source Data volumes and update frequency Storage location Data Access Show 3 more The Pan-ancestry genetic analysis of the UK Biobank(Pan-UKBB) is a resource to researchers that promotes more inclusive research practices, accelerates scientific discoveries, and improves the health of all...
UK Biobank, big data, and the consequences of non-representativenessdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(18)33067-8Katherine M KeyesDaniel WestreichThe Lancet
Can I receive support getting started on the UK Biobank RAP? Are there any funding support programs available on the UK Biobank platform? Apply for Access Become an approved UK Biobank researcher today to explore the world's largest biomedical database all in one place through the UK Biobank...
machine-learningactivity-trackerfitness-trackerukbiobankaxivityactigraphgeneactiv UpdatedJul 4, 2024 Python dnanexus/UKB_RAP Star120 Access share reviewed code & Jupyter Notebooks for use on the UK Biobank (UKBB) Research Application Platform. Includes resources from DNAnexus webinars, online trainings an...